Space & Technology 

Space News ,World :-  Boeing and Aurora Flight Sciences are upset with Virgin Galactic! They've filed a lawsuit because they say Virgin Galactic hasn't paid them for their work and has been sharing their secret information.Virgin Galactic is in trouble! Boeing and Aurora Flight Sciences are taking them to court. They say Virgin Galactic owes them a whopping $26.4 million for the work they did. This work was all about creating a new "mothership" aircraft. This special aircraft would help Virgin Galactic's space planes fly into suborbital space. The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia on March 21.But Virgin Galactic doesn't agree with Boeing and Aurora Flight Sciences. They say the lawsuit isn't fair. They're ready to fight back and defend themselves strongly.Virgin Galactic is known for its space tourism. They use a big aircraft, called a mothership, to carry their space plane up high. Then, the space plane goes on its own rocket-powered adventure into space.In 2022, Virgin Galactic chose Aurora Flight Sciences to build two new motherships. These were supposed to be ready by 2025 and would replace the current one they use, named VMS Eve. These new motherships were meant to fly up to 200 times a year!But things didn't go as planned. Work stopped in May 2023 after they finished the basic design. Boeing and Aurora Flight Sciences say they couldn't finish the new mothership because of money and time problems. They just couldn't make it work like Virgin Galactic wanted.Boeing and Aurora Flight Sciences are also mad because they think Virgin Galactic stole their secrets. They say Virgin Galactic got their hands on some important technical stuff, like how the aircraft performs, by mistake. Now, Boeing and Aurora want Virgin Galactic to get rid of this secret info.Virgin Galactic doesn't want to give up the secrets, though. They say they have the right to keep them because of their deal with Boeing and Aurora.Instead of working on the new mothership, Virgin Galactic has decided to focus on making their Delta-class space plane. They'll still use the old mothership, VMS Eve, for their test and commercial flights.So, things are pretty heated between these space companies! Boeing and Aurora Flight Sciences want their money, and they want their secrets back. But Virgin Galactic is standing firm, saying they've done nothing wrong. It's a big space showdown!

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 15:05:37

Defense News ,UK :-  The UK government is spending £135 million, which is around $170 million, to make ships safer from dangerous missiles like hypersonic ones. They're doing this by getting special launchers called "trainable decoy launchers" for Royal Navy ships.Rebecca Fullerton, who manages electronic warfare projects for the UK, said, "This money will help us fight against new kinds of missiles. We want to make sure our ships can find and stop them before they hit."A trainable decoy launcher is a device that can throw out fake targets to trick missiles. This helps keep the real ship safe. These launchers will be put on Type 45 destroyers and future Type 26 and Type 31 frigates. They're made by a company called Systems Engineering & Assessment Ltd.Why are they special? Because they can move around and fire different kinds of fake targets. This makes it hard for missiles to tell what's real and what's not. It's like playing a game of "catch me if you can" with missiles!“These launchers will make our navy even stronger. They can deal with new threats and help us stay safe,” said a navy officer, Cdre Matthew Stratton.The new launchers will start arriving in late 2026. The plan is to have them on 19 ships, with each ship getting two launchers. This means there will be a total of 38 launchers.The company that's making these launchers is based in Somerset. They beat another company, Elbit Systems UK, to get the job.The idea behind all this is to upgrade the navy's electronic gear over the next 20 years. This is part of a big plan called the MEWSIC program. It’s like giving the navy better glasses to see and stop threats.So, in short, the UK is spending a lot of money to keep its ships safe from missiles. They’re getting these cool launchers that can shoot out fake targets. It's like having a decoy duck to distract a hungry fox!

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 14:56:13

Defense News ,India :-  Officials from Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) said that they finished the first flight of their own-made light combat aircraft (LCA) Mark 1A fighter in Bengaluru on Thursday. The aircraft, named LA5033, took off smoothly from HAL's facility in Bengaluru for its 18-minute debut flight, which is an important step in developing this advanced fighter jet.HAL reaching this milestone shows India's commitment to making the Tejas Mk1A fighter jets efficiently. The successful flight happened as part of HAL's plan to design, develop, and produce the aircraft concurrently.This approach probably meant they carefully managed their supply chain to overcome challenges caused by global politics after they signed the contract in February 2021.Gp Capt K K Venugopal (Retd), HAL's Chief Test Pilot (Fixed Wing), expertly piloted the first flight. His experience was vital in making sure the test flight went smoothly.The Tejas Mk1A is much better than the Mk-1, with improved avionics, weapon systems, operational abilities, and radar technology. These improvements make the Tejas Mk1A crucial for the Indian Air Force (IAF) as they upgrade their fleet and strengthen national defense.The success of this first flight sets the stage for more testing and evaluation of the Tejas Mk1A to make sure it's ready to enhance the IAF's combat capabilities.During the first flight, the aircraft was in the air for 15 minutes, officials added.The Indian Air Force made a deal worth over Rs 48,000 crore with HAL to buy 83 LCA planes, and they have permission to buy 97 more for Rs 65,000 crore.HAL has already done ground tests, including slow taxi runs. The LCA Mark 1 aircraft joined the IAF in 2016, and two of their squadrons include 45 Squadron and 18 Squadron.Indian Air Force chief Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari called the clearance of the 97 LCAs a big event. "We already had 40 LCAs of the original IOC and FOC version. So with this, in the long run, the strength of the Indian Air Force will grow to 220 LCA Mark 1As, which will equip almost ten squadrons of the Air Force," he said after the deal got cleared by the defense acquisition council.The IAF believes the 97 Light Combat Aircraft will be perfect for replacing the diminishing number of combat aircraft in the force as they retire the MiG-series planes.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 14:41:41

Defense News ,India :-  AvGarde Systems, a startup based in Assam, recently achieved a significant milestone by winning the prestigious Dream 4.0 contest. This victory has solidified their position as leaders in the domestic defense technology sector. The competition focused on finding innovative solutions to combat the threats posed by both individual drones and coordinated drone swarms. AvGarde's winning entry, called "DroneSafe," has garnered attention for its groundbreaking approach to addressing these challenges."DroneSafe" is not just another technology; it's a sophisticated, AI-powered Counter-Unmanned Aerial System (C-UAS) designed specifically to tackle the increasing threat of malicious drone and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) activities. Its functionalities are cutting-edge and geared towards comprehensive threat mitigation.One of the key features of "DroneSafe" is its advanced detection capabilities. It utilizes state-of-the-art AI algorithms to accurately identify and locate drones and UAVs within its operational range. This ensures that potential threats are detected and addressed swiftly.Moreover, the system goes beyond mere detection by intelligently classifying the identified aerial objects. This classification enables a detailed assessment of the potential threats they may pose, allowing for a more targeted response.In the event of a recognized threat, "DroneSafe" initiates appropriate countermeasures to neutralize the rogue drone or UAV promptly. This ensures a swift and effective response to potential security breaches, mitigating risks effectively.Additionally, the system provides detailed reports on detected aerial threats, facilitating well-informed security decisions. This comprehensive approach to threat management sets "DroneSafe" apart from other solutions in the market.In addition to "DroneSafe," AvGarde Systems showcased two supplementary offerings during the Dream 4.0 contest:DIWAR: An all-band GPS jammer designed to disrupt the navigation systems of drones, preventing them from reaching their intended targets effectively.BirdsEye: An intelligent Bird Detection and Monitoring Radar (BDMR) with dual functionality. Initially developed to enhance aviation safety by issuing early warnings of bird activity near airports, BirdsEye can also detect and monitor drone threats efficiently.AvGarde Systems' performance in the Dream 4.0 contest is a testament to India's growing commitment to indigenous defense technology development. Their innovative solutions address modern security challenges head-on, spanning various sectors including drone detection and countermeasures, low-altitude airspace monitoring, critical infrastructure protection, unmanned traffic management, military, homeland and border security, multilayer perimeter intrusion detection, drone fleet operations, and airspace situational awareness.The key features of AvGarde Systems' solutions include:Smart Radar Sensor providing 360-degree coverage for continuous scanning and tracking.Exceptional range resolution and micro-target detection capabilities.AI-based classification of different targets and their parametric information for precise threat assessment.Soft-kill countermeasures integrating jammer and spoofer functionalities.Jamming capabilities targeting GNSS, WiFi, and telemetry bands.Instant alarm system via message, email, and sound alerts ensuring prompt response to threats.User-friendly dashboard offering real-time monitoring and reporting functionalities.Rugged design with flexible ground and vehicular mounting options for versatile deployment scenarios.Overall, AvGarde Systems' success in the Dream 4.0 contest highlights their innovative approach to addressing modern security challenges and underscores India's growing prowess in indigenous defense technology development.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 14:31:12

Defense News ,Israel :-  Israeli soldiers continued operations against Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists holed up in Gaza City's Shifa Hospital and in Khan Yunis," said the Israel Defense Forces on Thursday morning. "We returned to the hospital, Gaza's largest, after receiving intelligence that senior Hamas figures were inside the compound planning attacks. Since entering the compound on March 18, we have killed over 200 terrorists and detained 800 terror suspects, of whom at least 500 have been confirmed as members of the Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror groups.""As part of the operation, patients were moved to a designated area inside the Shifa compound for their safety," added the IDF. "Civilians and staff have not been harmed.""The Press Service of Israel reported that in one of the hospital buildings, Hamas established a small government administration center with representatives of the government ministries, especially the ministries of education, interior, treasury, and the police," the IDF spokesperson explained. "On the day that Israeli forces entered the compound, Hamas was about to pay salaries to hundreds of its civil and military officials. Salaries range from USD 200 to hundreds of dollars.""In Khan Yunis, soldiers continued operations against terror infrastructure in the Al Amal and Al Qarara neighborhoods, seizing explosives and mortar shells," the IDF stated."In central Gaza, a Hamas squad spotted adjacent to Israeli forces was eliminated by aircraft," the IDF confirmed."Elsewhere in Gaza, fighter jets struck several tunnel shafts and an underground rocket launcher," the IDF spokesperson added."At least 1,200 people were killed and 240 Israelis and foreigners were taken hostage in Hamas's attacks on Israeli communities near the Gaza border on October 7," the IDF reported. "Of the remaining 134 hostages, Israel recently declared 31 of them dead." 

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 14:07:52

Defense News ,Poland :- Poland recently told its NATO buddies ahead of time about firing a Eurocorps leader over a security issue, and they didn't seem bothered, said the defense minister on Thursday.Poland got rid of Lieutenant General Jaroslaw Gromadzinski as commander of the European military group on Wednesday. This happened after Poland's counterintelligence agency started looking into his security clearance.The defense minister, Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz, mentioned on a private TV channel, TVN24, that there's no tension between them and their allies. He explained that the French defense leader met with Poland's top army officer and said that this was Poland's own business, and they're the ones making decisions.Kosiniak-Kamysz also mentioned that the whole process was confidential.Gromadzinski had been leading Eurocorps, a combined military force involving some European Union and NATO nations, since June 2023. He expressed in a statement late Wednesday that he thought he would be cleared of any issues."I believe that the inspection procedure initiated by the Military Counterintelligence Service will end positively for me," he wrote on a platform called X.On Thursday, the defense ministry announced that Lieutenant General Piotr Blazeusz, the first deputy chief of Poland's Army General Staff, would take over as the new Eurocorps commander.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 13:51:49

Defense News ,Lithuania :-  Lithuania recently introduced a new plan to beef up its National Defence System for the next six years. The plan aims to make the country safer by taking some key steps.Starting from 2024 and going up to 2030, the plan will set aside 3 percent of the country's total money (gross domestic product) for defense. This money will be used for various things, including making things better for the German brigade. This brigade consists of 4,800 soldiers from NATO who are responsible for protecting the eastern part of the NATO alliance.The plan also includes making new places for storing weapons and ammunition. They will also work on making the existing places where soldiers train bigger. One such place is the Rūdninkai Training Grounds in southeast Lithuania, which is being reconstructed to make it better.Additionally, a new group will be formed within the country to make sure that the plans for total defense are carried out properly.Why This Matters:Lithuania wants to strengthen its defense because of the ongoing war in Ukraine. This war has raised concerns about security, especially in Lithuania's eastern region. This area is important for NATO's defense plans and has many troops from different countries stationed there.Lithuania is also working closely with its neighboring countries, Estonia and Latvia, to protect its borders. Recently, they signed an agreement to build defenses along the border with Russia and Belarus. This shows Lithuania's commitment to keeping its borders safe.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 13:22:30

Defense News ,Israel :-  Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has set up its Indian branch, AeroSpace Services India (ASI), in New Delhi, marking a significant step towards India's self-reliance vision."IAI is thrilled to introduce ASI, marking a crucial milestone in India's journey towards self-reliance. The partnership between India and Israel has seen remarkable achievements. This collaboration will go down in history as we blend IAI's technology with India's talent in the Defense sector, paving the way for Atmanirbhar Bharat," stated Boaz Levy, President, and CEO of IAI.ASI, headquartered in New Delhi, employs a workforce predominantly composed of Indian nationals, striving to enhance efficiency and reduce costs by operating locally.ASI conducts transactions in Indian Rupees and holds the exclusive authorization as the Technical Representative for the entire Medium Range Surface-to-Air Missile (MRSAM) system, extensively utilized by the Indian Army, Air Force, and Navy. The system encompasses sophisticated radar technology, command and control infrastructure, mobile launchers, and advanced interceptors. Developed jointly by IAI and India's Defence Research & Development Organisation, MRSAM fortifies India's defense capabilities.The establishment of ASI follows IAI's strategic partnership with the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, aimed at promoting collaborative research projects, training initiatives, and research consultancy, underscoring the commitment to technological advancements in early March.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 13:13:53
 Space & Technology 

Space News ,India :-  Skyroot Aerospace, a company based in Hyderabad, is making big strides in space exploration. They recently tested the Stage-2 of their Vikram-1 space launch vehicle, named Kalam-250, at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota.This test is a big deal because it's part of India's first private orbital rocket launch. Skyroot had previously launched India's first private rocket, the Vikram-S, into suborbital space in November 2022.During the test, which lasted 85 seconds, the rocket reached a peak sea-level thrust of 186 kilonewtons (kN). When it's in flight, this will translate to a fully expanded vacuum thrust of around 235kN. The Kalam-250 rocket motor is made of strong carbon composite and uses solid fuel. It's also equipped with a high-performance Ethylene-Propylene-Diene terpolymers (EPDM) thermal protection system (TPS) to keep it safe during launch.The Stage-2 of the rocket has some important features. It includes a carbon ablative flex nozzle and high-precision electro-mechanical actuators for thrust vector control. These features help the rocket stay on the right path during its journey. The Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), another part of ISRO, contributed to the test by supplying its proprietary head-mounted safe arm (HMSA), which ensures the safe operation of the rocket stage.The solid propellant used in the Kalam-250 rocket was made by Solar Industries at their special facility in Nagpur. This test is a crucial step in the Vikram-1 launch because Stage-2 propels the rocket from the atmosphere into the deep vacuum of outer space.Pawan Chandana, Co-Founder and CEO of Skyroot, expressed his excitement about the milestone. He said, "This test marks the successful test of the largest propulsion system ever designed and manufactured by the Indian private sector. It's also the first carbon-composite-built motor tested at ISRO. Everything went as planned, and this brings us closer to the upcoming orbital launch of the Vikram-1 rocket."Naga Bharath Daka, Co-Founder and COO of Skyroot, emphasized the importance of the test. He said, "We validated the critical flex nozzle control system during firing for the first time. This is a significant milestone in our journey. We have more milestones ahead and are focused on reaching our maiden orbital launch of the Vikram-1 in 2024. Our incredible team, along with the support from IN-SPACe and ISRO, has been key to our progress."This successful test is a major achievement for Skyroot Aerospace and marks a significant step forward in India's space exploration journey.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 13:04:22

Defense News ,Brazil :- On March 27, a big event happened at Itaguaí Naval Base. They launched the third of four Scorpène submarines as part of the ProSub program. Both the Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and French President Emmanuel Macron were there to see it. This submarine, called Tonelero, was entirely built in Brazil by Itaguaí Construções Navais (ICN). It's a big deal because it shows how successful the partnership between Brazil and France has been.The Tonelero was launched just a few weeks after another submarine called Humaita was delivered. It's now going to start sea trials and should be ready for action by 2025. The last submarine of the series, Angostura, will be launched in 2025.This launch proves that the ProSub program is a success. It's a part of the strategic defense cooperation agreement signed by France and Brazil in 2008. This program not only gives Brazil's navy new and better submarines but also helps Brazil become more independent in making its own military equipment.The Chairman and CEO of Naval Group, Pierre Éric Pommellet, said that launching the Tonelero is a big achievement. It shows how well Brazil and Naval Group can work together. They are committed to supporting Brazil's navy and helping Brazil build a strong naval industry.Naval Group has been a key partner for Brazil's navy since 2009. Brazil chose Naval Group for its submarine program. They wanted four new submarines and also to develop a nuclear-powered one. The Scorpène submarines for this program are made and put together in Itaguaí by ICN. Naval Group helped by sharing technology, giving the design plans for the submarines, supplying equipment, and offering technical help to ICN. Workers from ICN were even trained in France to learn how to build submarines. This training, along with technical support, helps ICN build submarines from start to finish.This partnership is crucial for Brazil's sovereignty. It's not just about getting new submarines; it's about being able to make them on their own. This way, Brazil can rely on itself for its defense needs. It's a big step forward for Brazil's navy and its industry.So, the launch of the Tonelero isn't just about a new submarine. It's a symbol of a strong partnership between Brazil and France. It shows what can be achieved when countries work together. And for Brazil, it's a sign of progress and independence in defense.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 12:50:09

Defense News ,India :-  India's aerospace aspirations surged forward yesterday with the indigenous Tejas Mk1A fighter aircraft, codenamed LA5033, completing low-speed and high-speed taxi trials (LSTT and HSTT).These trials mark a significant advancement toward the much-anticipated maiden flight, now slated for today pending final checks.Certifying authorities are expressing confidence in LA5033's preparedness, instilling optimism for today's potentially historic flight.Yesterday's taxi trials were conducted under the helm of veteran test pilot Group Captain K K Venugopal (Retd), part of the esteemed Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Civil Test Pilot (FW) group.The successful completion of taxi trials signifies a pivotal milestone in the evolution of the Tejas Mk1A, an upgraded and more formidable version of the Tejas light combat aircraft.The impending maiden flight stands as a monumental achievement for India's indigenous fighter jet program, showcasing the nation's burgeoning prowess in aerospace engineering.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 04:57:53

Defense News ,India :-  India is taking a big step forward with its "Made in India" initiative for electronic warfare. They want to make their own high-tech military planes for spying and jamming enemy communications.Western companies like L3Harris from America and Thales from France are interested in helping India with their project. India needs their expertise because making these spy and jamming planes is very complicated.The planes they're planning to use are Airbus A319, which are usually used for passengers. But India's Air Force and Defence Research and Development Laboratory want to change them into military planes for spying and electronic warfare.They want to use Indian technology as much as possible for this project because it's part of the "Made in India" vision.India's Defence Intelligence Agency, which is like the country's spy agency for the military, will be in charge of using these spy and jamming planes. They'll work closely with the Air Force.This project started in 2019 by the Centre for Airborne Systems. They wanted to fulfill the Air Force's needs for better intelligence gathering. The main aim is to sneak into enemy territory and quietly listen to their radio signals. This helps to find out where the enemy's radar and communication systems are and what weapons they have.These planes will also be able to jam enemy communications. This can give India's military an advantage in battle.One big goal of this project is to make a map of the enemy's electronic systems in real-time. This map will show where the enemy's electronic stuff is and what it's doing. The Centre for Airborne Systems is leading this project, working with the Defence Research and Development Laboratory and the Defence Electronics Applications Laboratory to make these spy and jamming planes just right for India's Air Force.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 04:39:12

Defense News ,India :-  The Central government just announced that they're extending the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958, in Nagaland. They've declared eight districts and 21 police stations as 'disturbed areas' for six months, starting from April 1 this year.The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) made this announcement. They said the AFSPA will be in force in Dimapur, Niuland, Chumoukedima, Mon, Kiphire, Noklak, Phek, and Peren districts of Nagaland for the next six months.Also, the AFSPA will cover areas under 21 police stations in five districts of Nagaland. That's six police stations each in Zunheboto and Mokokchung districts, five police stations in Kohima, three police stations in Wokha, and one police station in Longleng district.These 21 police stations include Khuzama, Kohima North, Kohima South, Zubza, and Kezocha police stations in Kohima district. In Mokokchung district, there are Mangkolemba, Mokokchung-I, Longtho, Tuli, Longchem, and Anaki 'C' police stations. Then there's Yanglok police station in Longleng district. In Wokha district, it's Bhandari, Champang, and Ralan police stations. And in Zunheboto district, there are Ghatashi, Pughoboto, Satakha, Suruhuto, Zunheboto, and Aghunato police stations.The notification from the Ministry of Home Affairs states, "Dimapur, Niuland, Chumoukedima, Mon, Kiphire, Noklak, Phek, and Peren districts in Nagaland, and areas in Nagaland falling under the jurisdiction of police stations mentioned above, are declared as 'disturbed areas' under Section 3 of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958. This is effective for six months from April 1, 2023, unless withdrawn earlier."The decision came after the Central Government reviewed the law and order situation in Nagaland.Previously, on October 1, 2023, the Central Government had declared eight districts and 21 Police Stations in five other districts of Nagaland as 'disturbed areas' for six months under the same Act.The AFSPA gives special powers to security forces. They can arrest someone without a warrant, enter or search premises without a warrant, and take some other actions.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 04:29:33

Defense News ,India :-  In a strong statement on the Israel-Palestine issue, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said that whatever the rights and wrongs in the whole conflict between Israel and Palestine, the underlying fact is that the Palestinians have been denied their rights and homeland.He stated that what transpired on October 7 was a ‘terrorist attack’ but also acknowledged, in reference to the Israeli counteroffensive in Gaza, that every response must take into account something called international humanitarian law.Mr Jaishankar, who is on a visit to Malaysia, was interacting with the Indian community during an event.“How different pulls and pressures can be. On one hand, what happened on October 7 was terrorism. On the other hand, nobody would countenance the death of innocent civilians. Countries may be justified in their own minds in responding, but you cannot have a response that…every response must take into account something called international humanitarian law,” Jaishankar said.“The fact is whatever the rights and wrongs of the issue, there is underlying issue of the rights of the Palestinians and the fact that they have been denied their homeland,” he added.Hamas launched a horrific terror attack in Israel on October 7 killing more than 1200 people and holding more than 250 people as hostages, out of which over 100 are still in captivity.In response, Israel launched a strong counteroffensive in the Gaza Strip targeting the Hamas units. However, the operation has also resulted in civilian casualties. According to Gaza ministry, more than 32,000 people have been killed in Gaza including women and children.Notably, PM Modi was one of the first global leaders to condemn the horrific terror attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7.However, India has also continued with its weight behind the ‘two-state solution’ to the long-running Israel-Palestine conflict.Meanwhile, Mr Jaishankar is on an official visit to Malaysia, followed by his visits to Singapore and the Philippines.Earlier in the day, he called on Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and expressed admiration for his vision aimed at fostering stronger ties between India and Malaysia. He also emphasised that this vision will serve as a catalyst for crafting a more ambitious agenda to advance the relationship between the two nations.He also held a round-table meeting with CEOs in Malaysia and appreciated their growing interest in partnering with Indian industries.“A productive round-table meeting with CEOs in Malaysia. Glad to hear about growing interest in partnering with Indian industries. Encouraged them to join in India’s growth story. Discussed geopolitical developments that can provide more opportunities in business interactions,” the EAM posted on X.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 04:25:07

Defense News ,UK :-  In the Royal Air Force (RAF), there's a big plan in motion. It's called the RAF Autonomous Collaborative Platforms (ACP) strategy. This plan outlines how the ACP will become part of frontline service in the next ten years.The Defence Drone Strategy is like the guidebook for the RAF ACP Portfolio. It helps make sure everything fits together as new capabilities come along. This is based on what we've learned from past experiences and current conflicts.Technology is moving fast, especially in how humans and machines work together. Things like AI (Artificial Intelligence) are making uncrewed systems more advanced. Recent events, like the war in Ukraine, show how quickly weapons and tactics can change. The ACP strategy is the RAF's way of using this new technology. We're working with the Royal Navy, British Army, and others in the Ministry of Defence (MoD). Plus, we're teaming up with industry partners and allies. Together, we're figuring out the best ways to make our defense stronger. We're looking at what makes sense for the UK and what's cost-effective.ACP will take on important roles using new technologies. These roles will help our current and future crewed aircraft work better. It's like having extra help, making our forces stronger. Following this plan will keep our people safer. Plus, it gives us a chance to learn and grow faster than those who might oppose us. And we're making sure everything we do follows the rules and ethics.This strategy also talks about what the RAF needs to support this growth. It's not just about having the right equipment; it's about changing how things are done. We're also working on helping UK industries grow. Even though uncrewed platforms are becoming normal, we still have to think about the laws and rules around them.So, in simple terms, the RAF is planning for the future. We're using new technology to make our defense stronger. And we're doing it in a way that's safe, ethical, and smart.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 04:20:32

Defense News ,India-China :-   India's Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) announced that India and China talked about solving problems along their border. They want to withdraw their troops from the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Western Sector. The MEA made this statement on Thursday.India and China had their 29th meeting of the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on India-China Border Affairs (WMCC) in Beijing on Wednesday.The MEA said that the Indian delegation was led by the Joint Secretary of MEA. The Chinese side was led by the Director General of the Boundary & Oceanic Department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.The MEA said, "The 29th meeting of the Working Mechanism for Consultation & Coordination on India-China Border Affairs (WMCC) was held on 27 March 2024 in Beijing. Joint Secretary (East Asia) from the Ministry of External Affairs led the Indian delegation. The Chinese delegation was led by Director General of the Boundary & Oceanic Department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs."Both sides talked deeply about withdrawing their troops and fixing issues along the LAC in the Western Sector of India-China border areas.After the meeting, both countries agreed to keep talking through diplomatic and military channels. They want to keep peace along the border areas according to their agreements.In the last meeting (28th), held in November last year, they reviewed the situation along the LAC in the Western Sector. They had a good discussion on fixing problems and withdrawing troops in Eastern Ladakh.Both countries agreed to keep peace along the border areas and avoid any problems.India rejected China's claims about Arunachal Pradesh. India said that Arunachal Pradesh is a part of India and will continue to be. India also said that people in Arunachal Pradesh will benefit from India's development programs.The Chinese defence ministry repeated its claim over Arunachal Pradesh, saying it is a part of China's territory. They don't recognize Arunachal Pradesh as a part of India.The Chinese military's comments came after India objected to China's comments about Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Arunachal Pradesh.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 04:14:29

Defense News ,France :-  The France's cutting-edge Rafale fighter jet is getting better. They are making it more powerful. The Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) is working on upgrading it to F4.2 from F4.1. They want to add new technologies to make it even better.The F4.1 BoostThe F4.1 is already a big improvement for the Rafale. It has new things like the Scorpion helmet-mounted display. Also, it has the AASM 1000 GPS/laser-guided weapon. These help the jet to be more precise. It also has better missiles and sensors. This makes it better at knowing what's around it.F4.2: Optics and NetworkingThe F4.2 is all about making the Rafale work better with others. They are adding new things to help it talk with other planes and share information. This is important when many planes need to work together.The new datalink and the CONTACT software digital radio will help with communication. They'll make it easier for the Rafale to talk to other planes. TRAGEDAC is another new thing. It helps the Rafale find enemies without making any noise. This makes it even better at finding targets.One big thing in F4.2 is Thales Front Sector Optronics. They are adding new infrared optics. This will make the Rafale see better in the dark. It will be easier for it to see at night, which is very important in fights.A Force Multiplier in the MakingThe Rafale F4.1 and F4.2 show that France wants its air force to be very strong. They are always trying to make it better. This is important because the world is always changing. The Rafale needs to change too, to stay strong.As threats change, the Rafale is also changing. It wants to stay a strong force for France and its friends. They are always working to make it better.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 04:07:27

India :-  The Delhi High Court, on Wednesday, declined to provide interim relief to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with a money laundering case linked to the excise policy 'scam'. The court stated that the issue at hand raises significant concerns that cannot be hastily decided without hearing the agency's stance.Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma issued a notice on the petition filed by the Aam Aadmi Party leader challenging his arrest and subsequent remand by the ED. The court directed the agency to submit its response, including on interim relief, before April 2, and scheduled the matter for final disposal on April 3, without granting any adjournments.Senior advocate Abhishek Singhvi, representing Kejriwal, argued for relief, asserting that the arrest was based on unverified statements of co-accused individuals whom he labeled as "Jaichands and Trojan horses" for their betrayal. He emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating that democracy, the basic structure, and a level playing field were all implicated. Singhvi alleged that the timing of Kejriwal's arrest, just before the Lok Sabha elections, was aimed at politically incapacitating him and his party.However, the court rejected Singhvi's assertion that no response was necessary from the respondent, stating, "This court deems it appropriate to issue notice of the main writ petition as well as application for grant of interim relief, returnable on 03.04.2024."Furthermore, the court ordered the Directorate of Enforcement to ensure that responses to the main petition and the application for interim release be filed by April 2, 2024.Kejriwal, arrested on March 21 and remanded to ED custody till March 28, sought immediate release on the grounds of the illegality of his arrest. Additional Solicitor General S V Raju, representing the ED, requested time to formulate their response, citing the recent service of the "bulky" petition.During the hearing, Singhvi reiterated that the coercive action against Kejriwal was based on uncorroborated statements of co-accused-turned-approvers. He emphasized the need for prompt adjudication of the case due to several glaring issues.Justice Sharma highlighted the necessity of allowing the ED an opportunity to counter the petitioner's claims, especially when both the main petition and the interim application sought similar relief. The court emphasized that crucial additional material gathered during the petitioner's custodial interrogation may influence the case's outcome.The court underscored the importance of addressing the issues raised in the main petition before deciding on interim relief. It clarified that any release from custody would amount to interim bail, and its writ jurisdiction was not a substitute for a bail application.Singhvi argued against the arrest's timing, stating it was against the principles of a level playing field for elections. He criticized the arrest as unnecessary under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).Singhvi further accused the ED of suppressing exculpatory statements and employing delay tactics. He stressed that democracy, the basic structure, and a level playing field were at stake.Regarding vicarious liability, Singhvi contended that Kejriwal should not be held accountable for any alleged PMLA violations by his party.On April 22, the trial court extended Kejriwal's remand to ED custody until March 28 for detailed interrogation. The case revolves around alleged corruption and money laundering in the formulation and execution of the Delhi government's excise policy for 2021-22, subsequently scrapped.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 03:59:42

Defense News ,South Korea :-  South Korea's air force is spending $2.9 billion to upgrade its F-15K Eagle planes. The Defense Acquisition Program Administration announced this big project. They're going to improve the planes' radar systems and long-range mission abilities.The plan is to make the F-15Ks better at finding and hitting targets quickly and accurately. This will make it safer for them to do their job. They'll install new technology like the AN/APG-82 radar and BAE Systems’ AN/ALQ-250 Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability System. Also, they'll add a new Large Area Display in the cockpit to help pilots see better.This project will take place from 2024 to 2034.The F-15Ks are important for South Korea's air defense. There are 59 of them in use right now. Boeing, a big aviation company, has been taking care of them since 2017. They'll continue doing so for another five years.These planes are flown by the air force to keep an eye on important places in North Korea, like the Punggye-ri nuclear site and the Sohae Launch facility.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 03:53:18

Defense News ,India :-  The US State Department has spoken up again, saying India needs to have fair and transparent legal procedures. Matthew Miller, a spokesperson for the State Department, mentioned this when asked about India calling in Gloria Berbena, the US Acting Deputy Chief of Mission, over remarks on the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.Miller said they are closely watching these events, including the arrest of Arvind Kejriwal. He mentioned this in response to questions about India's summoning of Gloria Berbena. The meeting at India's foreign ministry went on for about 40 minutes, during which India strongly objected to the US comments about Kejriwal's arrest.Miller also commented on the freezing of bank accounts belonging to the Congress party. He acknowledged the allegations made by the Congress party about tax authorities freezing their accounts, which could make it difficult for them to campaign effectively in upcoming elections. He stressed the importance of fair, transparent, and timely legal processes for all these matters.Regarding private diplomatic discussions, Miller declined to provide details but reiterated the US stance on fair legal processes. He emphasized that nobody should oppose fair and transparent legal procedures.Arvind Kejriwal was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) last week in connection with an alleged liquor policy scam. He's the third leader from the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) to be taken into custody, following Manish Sisodia and Sanjay Singh.The US State Department, on Tuesday, expressed concern about Kejriwal's arrest and urged India to ensure a fair and timely legal process for him. India responded by warning of "unhealthy precedents," emphasizing that countries should respect each other's sovereignty and internal affairs, especially among fellow democracies. India defended its legal system, stating that it's based on an independent judiciary committed to fair and timely outcomes.These remarks from the US came shortly after Germany's Foreign Office emphasized Kejriwal's right to a fair trial. This led to India summoning the German envoy, condemning their statement as interference in internal matters.The liquor excise policy in Delhi was intended to reform the liquor business but was scrapped after an investigation into alleged irregularities. The Enforcement Directorate believes that bribe money from the policy funded AAP's election campaigns and has labeled Kejriwal a "conspirator" in the case.Kejriwal's arrest, just before the 2024 Lok Sabha election, has sparked protests from the opposition.

Read More → Posted on 2024-03-28 03:47:56