Uttam AESA Radar: With Gallium Arsenide Technology And Fiture With Gallium Nitride Technology

India Defense

Uttam AESA Radar: With Gallium Arsenide Technology And Fiture With Gallium Nitride Technology

Defense News


The Uttam AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) radar, developed by India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), is a significant leap forward in indigenous avionics technology.  This cutting-edge radar system promises to enhance the capabilities of Indian fighter jets, making them more potent aerial combatants.

The Core of Uttam: Gallium Arsenide Technology

The current iteration of Uttam utilizes Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) for its Transmit/Receive (T/R) modules.  These modules form the building blocks of the AESA radar, electronically steering the radar beam to scan its surroundings.  Compared to traditional mechanically scanned radars (PESA), AESA offers several advantages:

  • Faster Scanning:  AESA radars can rapidly scan a wider area, improving situational awareness and target acquisition.
  • Improved Tracking:  The ability to electronically steer the beam allows for more precise tracking of multiple targets simultaneously.
  • Low Probability of Intercept (LPI):  AESA radars can change their operating frequencies more dynamically, making them harder to detect by enemy radar warning receivers.

The Uttam AESA radar, currently deployed on the Tejas Mk1A fighter, boasts impressive capabilities.  It can track over 50 targets simultaneously and engage multiple threats at once.  This, coupled with its LPI properties, makes the Tejas Mk1A a more formidable opponent in aerial combat.

The Future: Enter Gallium Nitride

While the GaAs-based Uttam is a significant achievement, DRDO is actively developing a variant utilizing Gallium Nitride (GaN) for its T/R modules.  GaN offers several advantages over GaAs:

  • Higher Power Density: GaN can handle higher power, potentially leading to increased radar range and improved target detection.
  • Improved Heat Dissipation: GaN offers superior heat dissipation characteristics, allowing for a more compact and efficient radar design.

These advancements translate into tangible benefits for fighter jets equipped with GaN-based Uttam radars.  Potential improvements include:

  • Extended Detection Range: Increased power output could enable the radar to detect targets at greater distances.
  • Enhanced Tracking Accuracy: Superior heat dissipation could lead to more stable operation, improving tracking accuracy.
  • Integration with Larger Platforms: The potential for a more compact design opens doors for integrating the GaN-based Uttam into larger fighter jets like the Su-30MKI.

Variants and the Road Ahead

DRDO is working on multiple variants of the Uttam radar to cater to the needs of different fighter aircraft.  The Tejas Mk2 is expected to receive an upgraded Uttam with a higher number of T/R modules, further enhancing its capabilities.  

For India's next-generation fighter programs, like the AMCA and TEDBF, DRDO plans to move entirely to GaN-based Uttam variants.  These radars promise to provide Indian fighter jets with a technological edge, ensuring their continued dominance in the skies.


The Uttam AESA radar marks a turning point for Indian fighter jets, offering a domestically developed solution with world-class capabilities.  The ongoing development of GaN-based variants promises even greater advancements, solidifying India's position as a major player in avionics technology.

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