US Supply Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB) to Ukraine Forces

World Defense

US Supply Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb  (GLSDB) to Ukraine Forces

Defense News ,Ukraine :- According to a report from, there were initial claims that the United States was preparing to equip the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB), a precision weapon with a range of up to 150 km. However, the US Department of Defense spokesperson, Patric Ryder, refuted the information, stating that providing an exact delivery timeline is currently uncertain.

Whether the Ukrainian Armed Forces have already received the GLSDB or are awaiting delivery, it is clear that this weapon will empower them with capabilities to disrupt Russian logistical lines and target significant locations deep within the Russian-controlled territory.

The GLSDB, developed in collaboration between Boeing and Saab, is a precision strike munition with rocket propulsion. Combining retired unguided rockets with a GBU-39 glide bomb, the GLSDB's unique design allows it to glide to the target after launch, providing an extended striking range of approximately 150 km.

With satellite guidance (GPS) and an inertial navigation system, the GLSDB surpasses the range of standard rocket projectiles like the GMLRS of 227 mm caliber. Weighing around 130 kg, the GLSDB offers a mobile capability to hit targets previously out of reach for land forces, addressing the current and future needs of armed forces, according to Saab and Boeing.

The GLSDB's ability to fly non-ballistic trajectories and perform maneuvers enhances its effectiveness, making it suitable for engaging targets inaccessible to conventional direct-fire weapons. The system is equipped with integrated technology, allowing it to navigate towards the target with INS Navigation, supported by highly jamming-resistant GPS.

Initial reports about the planned transfer of GLSDB to Ukraine surfaced in early February of the previous year, with the White House announcing the supply of missiles with a 150 km range. If delivered, this weaponry would significantly expand the Ukrainian military’s land strike capabilities, reaching far beyond the front line.

The decision to send the new version of GLSDB to Ukraine followed months of testing and is seen as a potentially cost-effective solution for users of M270, HIMARS, and Chunmoo weapon systems. European users of these systems, both current and future, include countries such as Poland, Romania, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia.

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