US Army Pursues $2.4B Investment to Improve Soldiers’ Living Conditions

World Defense

US Army Pursues $2.4B Investment to Improve Soldiers’ Living Conditions

Defense News ,U.S :- The US Army wants to make where soldiers live better. They asked Congress for $2.4 billion to fix up barracks. This comes after a report said some army housing is not safe.

The plan is to build nine new barracks in different places like Louisiana, Missouri, Washington, Virginia, and California. They will also make better homes for soldiers in Germany and Puerto Rico.

The army will set aside money to keep barracks clean and safe. Gabe Camarillo, Army Under Secretary, says soldiers are the top priority. The army leaders have been saying for two years that they need to spend more on good housing for soldiers.

If Congress agrees, this budget will be a big increase from last year's money for barracks.

Bad Barracks

In September 2023, a report from the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) showed bad conditions in army barracks. Some had sewage leaking, and fire systems didn't work.

The report said some barracks are not good enough. They don't meet the Pentagon's rules for privacy and layout.

A soldier named Dana Estrella talked about this on TikTok. She said sometimes she had to share a room with a stranger.

The GAO report also said bad housing makes soldiers unhappy and not ready for their job.

Senators want Change

After the report, US Senators asked the Pentagon to spend more on making and fixing military homes. They want soldiers to have safe and comfortable places to live.

The US Army is now asking Congress for a lot of money to make barracks better. They want to build new ones and make the old ones nicer. This will help soldiers feel better and do their jobs well.

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