Two BSF Women Constables Missing for Over a Month; 'Suspicious' Clues Emerge Amid Search

India Defense

Two BSF Women Constables Missing for Over a Month; 'Suspicious' Clues Emerge Amid Search

A mysterious case has gripped the Border Security Force (BSF) Academy in Tekanpur, Gwalior, as two women constables, Akanksha Nikhar and Shahana Khatoon, have been missing for over a month. The pair, who had been trainers at the academy since 2021, disappeared on June 6, 2024, sparking a multi-agency search operation to locate them.

Akanksha, hailing from Jabalpur, and Shahana, from Murshidabad, West Bengal, were last seen at Beacon Hospital in Behrampore on June 7, as confirmed by CCTV footage. Since then, their phones have been turned off, adding to the complexity of the investigation. Authorities have raised alarms across BSF units along international borders, fearing the worst as they delve deeper into the constables' disappearance.

The search took a significant turn when investigators discovered suspicious activity on the constables' phones. The trail led to various locations, including Delhi, Howrah, and Behrampore in West Bengal, close to Shahana’s hometown. This finding has prompted a thorough analysis of phone records and CCTV footage to map out their travel patterns and possible connections, particularly focusing on Shahana's family ties in West Bengal.

Akanksha’s mother, Urmila Nikhar, voiced her concerns during a public hearing with the Gwalior police. She recalled a conversation with her daughter on June 5, where Akanksha sounded unusually hesitant. Despite filing a missing person’s report at Bilua police station, located 100 kilometers from Gwalior, on June 6, Urmila claims that the initial response from the Gwalior police was lackluster.

The lack of communication from Shahana's family has only deepened the mystery. With no leads from them, the search operation has intensified. In response to Urmila’s persistent pleas, the Gwalior police have formed a special investigation team. This team is working closely with state and central agencies, including their counterparts in West Bengal, to trace the constables' steps and uncover the truth behind their disappearance.

The discovery of the constables’ phones being active in multiple locations before going dark hints at a broader, more intricate scenario. The authorities are now exploring all angles, including potential foul play and whether the constables left voluntarily or under duress.

As the investigation continues, the families of Akanksha and Shahana await answers, hoping for their safe return. The case remains shrouded in uncertainty, with each clue adding a layer to the unfolding mystery. The multi-agency effort to locate the constables underscores the seriousness of the situation and the determination to bring them back safely.

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