Taiwan Conducts Air Defense Drill 'in face of' China Military Intrusions

World Defense

Taiwan Conducts Air Defense Drill 'in face of' China Military Intrusions

Defense News ,Taiwan :-  Amid increasing tensions with China, Taiwan conducted an air defense exercise on Tuesday morning, showcasing its readiness by deploying a combination of US-made Patriot missiles and domestic anti-aircraft artillery systems. The exercise aimed to bolster training efforts in response to what Taiwan perceives as frequent Chinese military "intrusions" around the self-governed island.

China claims sovereignty over Taiwan and has consistently expressed its willingness to employ force if necessary to bring the island under its control. This assertion is demonstrated through the regular presence of Chinese warplanes and ships in the vicinity of Taiwan, a strategy characterized by military experts as employing "grey zone" actions, which fall short of outright warfare.

Taiwan's Air Force Command announced that the exercise, which took place between 5 and 7 am local time, involved the coordinated use of domestically produced Sky Bow missiles alongside the US-supplied Patriot surface-to-air missiles, in conjunction with army and navy units. The primary objective was to validate the efficacy of joint air defense operations among the island's military branches, with officials affirming that the drill proceeded smoothly.

Acknowledging the persistent challenges posed by Chinese military activities, Taiwan's Air Force reiterated its commitment to intensifying training efforts to effectively counter potential threats. Despite Beijing's claims of sovereignty over Taiwan, the island's government, led by President-elect Lai Ching-te, rejects such assertions, viewing them as infringements on its autonomy.

According to Taiwan's defense ministry, in the 24-hour period leading up to 6 am Tuesday, 13 Chinese aircraft and seven naval vessels were detected operating in proximity to Taiwan's airspace and waters. This follows a recent escalation, with Taiwan recording 36 Chinese military aircraft around the island within a single day, marking the highest daily count thus far this year.

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