Successful Launch of MAPHEUS 14 Rocket Marks New Beginnings in Space Exploration

Space & Technology World

Successful Launch of MAPHEUS 14 Rocket Marks New Beginnings in Space Exploration

Space News ,Europe :-   On February 27th, at 07.27 UTC, the MAPHEUS 14 sounding rocket took off from the Esrange Space Center in Kiruna. This launch was special because it introduced the new Red Kite rocket motor, signifying a fresh start for European sounding rockets.

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) operated the rocket, reaching a peak altitude of 265 km. Scientific experiments, conducted under microgravity conditions, were a success. The payload was safely recovered within an hour after liftoff.

The experiments focused on advanced material science and biological studies involving human and animal cells. The goal was to understand how microgravity affects the brain and the central nervous system.

Elin Lundqvist, the campaign manager at SSC, expressed her satisfaction with the campaign and launch. The collaboration between SSC and DLR, especially on the new rocket motor, was highlighted. Lundqvist thanked everyone involved.

Maiden Launch for Red Kite Motor

MAPHEUS 14 marked the debut of the Red Kite rocket motor at Esrange. This new motor, a joint effort between DLR and Bayern-Chemie, underwent testing at Esrange the previous summer. The collaboration is seen as beneficial for both SSC and customers due to improved transport and availability within the EU.

Dr. Prof. Felix Huber, Director of Space Operations and Astronaut Training at the German Aerospace Center, emphasized the advantages of having their own motor. The Red Kite motor is tailored to their flight profile, providing a significant advantage.

Swedish-German Collaboration in Shared Module

The MAPHEUS rocket carried a Shared Module from SSC, accommodating seven scientific and technical experiments from Australia, Sweden, and Germany. The Shared Module offers access to professional sounding rocket missions with a microgravity environment under the SubOrbital Express program.

Stefan Krämer, the project manager of the Shared Module at SSC, expressed gratitude for the collaboration with the DLR MAPHEUS team and acknowledged the hard work of scientists and researchers on the payload and experiments.

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