Spain Orders over 100,000 Mortar Rounds from Rheinmetall

World Defense

Spain Orders over 100,000 Mortar Rounds from Rheinmetall

Defense News


Rheinmetall has secured another substantial order from the Spanish government, valued in the higher double-digit million euro range. The contract entails supplying the Spanish army with a total of 104,000 mortar rounds in various calibres (60mm, 81mm, and 120mm) by the end of 2025. This agreement, finalized in the first quarter of 2024, marks the second such deal and includes an option for extending the contract by two additional years.

These mortar rounds are designated for use by the Spanish army's infantry units, offering variants such as high explosive, smoke, and illumination ammunition. Depending on the calibre and specific mortar system employed, these rounds exhibit ranges between 2.59 km (for 60mm rounds) and 8.25 km (for 120mm rounds).

Rheinmetall's mortar ammunition boasts extended range, improved precision, and enhanced effectiveness on target. These attributes enable forces to engage targets effectively, particularly in challenging terrains or urban environments.

This latest order underscores Rheinmetall's prominent position as a systems supplier in the realm of steep-fire systems. The company, recognized as one of the world's largest ammunition manufacturers, recently clinched a separate contract worth over EUR 200 million to provide the Spanish army with 155mm artillery ammunition.

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