Shabir Choudhry Warns of Baloch Minority Status in 2048 Due to CPEC Impact

World Defense

Shabir Choudhry Warns of Baloch Minority Status in 2048 Due to CPEC Impact

Latest Defense News 


Shabir Choudhry, a prominent writer and activist based in London, has issued a stark warning regarding the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a multi-billion-dollar connectivity project, predicting a bleak future for the Baloch people.

In a video message on his YouTube channel, Choudhry, who hails from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), cautioned that by 2024, Baloch could be on the path of becoming a minority population. He emphasized that CPEC, touted as an economic corridor, is essentially a military project benefitting China alone.

Choudhry highlighted the challenges posed by CPEC in Pakistan, including attacks on Chinese citizens and infrastructure, indicating potential hostility towards the projects. He expressed distress over the suffering of people in Balochistan, Gilgit-Baltistan, and PoK.

Since its inception, CPEC has been marred by controversy, attracting attention for the wrong reasons. Baloch resistance movements have posed significant challenges to Beijing's global ambitions, issuing warnings and demanding a halt to activities in Balochistan.

Persistent resistance from oppressed groups underscores the urgent need for international intervention to bring about meaningful change and alleviate the suffering of the people.

Choudhry further underscored the alarming increase in Chinese presence in Balochistan, citing reports that suggest Baloch could become a minority by 2048 if the trend continues.

Baloch groups have threatened further attacks if their demands regarding CPEC are ignored, highlighting the escalating tensions in the region.

The warnings issued by Choudhry shed light on the potential consequences of CPEC for the Baloch people, urging stakeholders to address their grievances and prioritize their well-being.

The situation in Balochistan and other affected regions underscores the complexities surrounding CPEC and the need for a comprehensive approach to address the concerns of all stakeholders involved.

As the international community observes the developments surrounding CPEC, the plight of the Baloch people serves as a reminder of the human cost associated with large-scale infrastructure projects driven primarily by economic interests.

Choudhry's warning serves as a wake-up call, prompting policymakers to consider the broader implications of CPEC and prioritize the protection of vulnerable communities.

In conclusion, Shabir Choudhry's cautionary message regarding the future of the Baloch people amidst the implementation of CPEC highlights the need for concerted efforts to address their grievances and ensure their rights are upheld.

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