Russian Military to Deploy Mobile Anti-Aircraft Gun Units Against Drone Threats

World Defense

Russian Military to Deploy Mobile Anti-Aircraft Gun Units Against Drone Threats

Defense News

Russia Ukraine War

The Russian military is taking measures to defend ground troops against drone attacks by forming mobile anti-aircraft gun units, as reported by the state-backed Izvestia. These units will be equipped with truck-mounted ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft cannons, providing a cost-effective alternative to guided missiles and rockets commonly used in short-range air defense systems.

According to sources cited by Izvestia, each unit will also be outfitted with electronic warfare equipment and smoke production vehicles. These additional assets are intended to disrupt unmanned aerial systems and enhance the effectiveness of the anti-aircraft gun units.

The centerpiece of these units is the ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft cannon, which has been in service since the 1960s. This twin-barrel cannon is capable of firing at a rate of up to 2,000 rounds per minute, making it suitable for defending low-moving and stationary targets against aerial threats.

Military expert Alexei Leonkov highlighted the versatility of these units, pointing out that existing Shilka complexes, equipped with four twin 23-mm cannons operating as a single unit, can be effectively deployed in this role.

By establishing mobile anti-aircraft gun units, the Russian military aims to bolster ground troop defenses against the growing threat posed by drones. These units offer a practical and efficient means of countering drone attacks, ensuring the protection of critical assets and personnel on the ground.

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