Putin Alleges US-Made Patriot Missile Downed Plane Carrying Ukrainian POWs

World Defense

Putin Alleges US-Made Patriot Missile Downed Plane Carrying Ukrainian POWs

Defense News ,Russia :- Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed on Wednesday that a plane, carrying Ukrainian prisoners of war, was shot down using a US-made Patriot missile. The incident involved a Russian Il-76 cargo plane that crashed on January 24, prompting Putin to assert that forensics had confirmed the missile's involvement.

In a televised appearance, Putin stated, "The plane was shot down, it has already been established for certain, by an American Patriot system." As of now, there has been no immediate response from Kyiv or Washington to Putin's remarks.

While Ukrainian officials have not explicitly refuted Russia's version of events, they have raised questions about the true nature of the plane's cargo. Putin emphasized Russia's insistence on an international investigation into the incident, but noted a lack of willingness from international organizations to participate.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has also called for an international inquiry. However, he expressed concerns that Russia's control over access to the crash site might impede a thorough investigation.

Patriots are guided surface-to-air missiles with the capability to target aircraft or defensively intercept incoming missiles. The United States had agreed to send Patriot missile systems to Ukraine in late 2022, fulfilling months of requests from Kyiv.

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