Pakistan Test Ababeel Ballistic Missile

World Defense

Pakistan Test Ababeel Ballistic Missile

Pakistan conducted a successful test launch of the Ababeel missile, showcasing its capability to carry multiple warheads for striking diverse targets.

This recent test, undertaken on Wednesday, aimed to reaffirm the design, technical parameters, and performance evaluation of various sub-systems, contributing to the reinforcement of deterrence and strategic stability in the region, as stated by the Inter Services Public Relations Pakistan, the military media branch. The Strategic Plans Division, responsible for Pakistan nuclear deterrent, did not provide information in response to Defense News inquiry about the test.

Initially tested on January 24, 2017, the Ababeel missile, with a range of 2,200 kilometers (1,367 miles), was developed to ensure the survivability of Pakistan ballistic missiles in a region where state actors are advancing countermeasures.

Mansoor Ahmed, an expert on Pakistan nuclear program, suggested that the extended gap between tests likely resulted from efforts to enhance technical and performance parameters. Ahmed, now affiliated with the Australian National University, emphasized that the Ababeel missile represents a significant engineering milestone for Pakistan nuclear triad and a major breakthrough in bolstering the survivability of land-based strategic forces against potential preemptive strikes.

Naeem Salik, a former Pakistan Army officer and executive director at the Strategic Vision Institute think tank, highlighted that the Ababeel enhances Pakistan targeting capabilities by enabling engagement with multiple targets simultaneously. This, according to Salik, not only provides a cost-effective solution but also complicates India ballistic missile defense efforts, aligning well with the concept of full-spectrum deterrence by offering the ability to strike from a diverse array of targets.

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