North Korea Learning Military Tactics from Ukraine Conflict's Combat Data: South Korea Claim

World Defense

North Korea Learning Military Tactics from Ukraine Conflict's Combat Data: South Korea Claim

Defense News ,North Korea :- According to a South Korean official, North Korea might be getting important knowledge about its weapons' performance by observing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

It's suggested that North Korea is using Ukraine as a place to test its missiles, rockets, and artillery. This is happening because Russia, a close ally of North Korea, is using these weapons in its military operations in Ukraine.

Among the weapons believed to be used by North Korea in Ukraine is the KN-23 missile, which can carry nuclear warheads.

South Korean ambassador to the UN, Hwang Joon-Kook, mentioned that from South Korea's perspective, this usage of its weapons in Ukraine feels like a practice for a real attack.

Hwang also pointed out that this closer relationship between Russia and North Korea is giving North Korea the opportunity to gather valuable data about its weapons' performance during actual warfare.

South Korea's defense ministry reported that North Korea has sent a significant amount of weapons to Russia to support its actions in Ukraine. These include artillery shells, rockets, and even banned ballistic missiles.

A US State Department official, Jung H. Pak, criticized Russia for using such weapons in Ukraine, stating that it goes against international rules against weapon proliferation. He also noted that North Korea wouldn't be sending these weapons to Russia for free, implying there's something to gain for North Korea in return.

Previously, North Korea denied allegations of providing additional weapons to Russia for use in the conflict in Ukraine.

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