Next-Generation USAF Fighter, Designed to Replace F-22 Raptor, Priced at $300 Million Per Unit

World Defense

Next-Generation USAF Fighter, Designed to Replace F-22 Raptor, Priced at $300 Million Per Unit

Defense News ,U.S :-  The United States Air Force (USAF) is working on something super cool called the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program. This program is all about making new, amazing planes that will take over the skies. It's like a big upgrade from the F-22 Raptor, which is a famous plane used by the Air Force.

A Big Family of Planes

The NGAD isn't just about one single plane. It's like a family of planes! Imagine having a big brother plane with lots of little robot planes as friends. These robot planes will help the big brother plane do its job better. They'll work together like a team, making it easier to fight bad guys.

Super Fast Engines

The main engine in the NGAD plane is going to be super cool. It's called the next-generation adaptive propulsion (NGAP) engine. This engine doesn't just make the plane go fast; it also makes a lot of electricity. This electricity is important for running all the fancy gadgets and tools the NGAD planes will use. Plus, this engine can change how it works depending on what the plane needs, making it super efficient.

Top Secret Stuff

The NGAD program is all hush-hush. They're not telling us everything about it because it's super special. But we do know that these planes will be really hard to see on radar because they're going to be super sneaky. They'll also have really cool missiles that can shoot really far and really accurately, making them super powerful in fights.

The Cost of Being Super High-Tech

Making these super cool planes costs a lot of money. Just one NGAD plane will cost a whopping $300 million! And the whole program is going to need $16 billion over the next five years just for research and testing. But the Air Force thinks it's totally worth it because these planes will help keep the skies safe for a long time.

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