Morocco Order 200 Otokar Cobra II Armored Vehicles From Turkish

World Defense

Morocco Order 200 Otokar Cobra II Armored Vehicles From Turkish

Defense News ,Morocco :-The Royal Moroccan Armed Forces recently made a significant purchase from the Turkish defense company Otokar. They ordered 200 Cobra II armored vehicles in a deal valued at around $136 million. This includes not just the vehicles but also crucial spare parts, maintenance support, and training for the operators.

The Cobra II is a versatile vehicle powered by a six-cylinder diesel engine, designed primarily for security, peacekeeping, and border protection missions. With a capacity to carry up to nine people, including a driver and commander, it's set to play a crucial role in Morocco's defense strategy.

One interesting aspect of the Cobra II is its modular design, allowing easy integration of various weapons and defense systems. This adaptability ensures that the vehicle can keep up with the latest technologies, providing enhanced firepower and defense capabilities.

Morocco plans to deploy approximately 20 Cobra II vehicles as part of its commitment to UN peacekeeping operations. The delivery of these armored vehicles is expected to begin by the end of 2024 and conclude in 2025.

Notably, the Cobra II has proven effective in countering improvised explosive devices and landmines, particularly in regions like Ukraine. Its Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Armor adds an extra layer of protection, making it a reliable choice for challenging operational environments.

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