Massive Protests in PoK unfold Pakistan's Atrocities

World Defense

Massive Protests in PoK unfold Pakistan's Atrocities

Defense News ,POK :- In Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), a wave of anger and discontent has gripped the populace, marking a turning point in their long-standing grievances against Islamabad's treatment of them as second-class citizens for decades.

Political activists in PoK, addressing a rally in Muzaffarabad, openly vented their frustration and sorrow towards the Pakistan Army and the ruling regime. Toqeer Gilani, a prominent political activist leading the ongoing protests, criticized the Pakistani establishment, stating, "The promises of unwavering support and the fight for our rights have proven empty. Those aligned with the Pakistani administration find themselves without a true ally. Just ask the Afghans, Palestinians, or us about the atrocities inflicted upon us."

The primary threat to PoK, still forcefully occupied by Pakistan since 1948, lies in its abundant natural resources. Gilani emphasized that the Pakistan administration is not only oppressing PoK but also perpetrating atrocities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, targeting even national leaders who served the country.

Gilani questioned the nature of the administration, democracy, and Islam under which such actions are taken, calling them unprecedented lies in human history. He highlighted the administration's refusal to listen to PoK's pleas for freedom, labeling them as anti-Pakistan and anti-Islam, hindering the region's economic progress.

The people of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir have reached a tipping point, realizing that waiting for their deserved rights is futile. Consequently, they are leaving no stone unturned to ensure their voices are heard, despite potential repercussions at the hands of the Pakistan Army and establishment.

The ongoing protests in PoK serve as a stark example of the shifting tide, where those who once showed minimal resistance towards Islamabad are now actively orchestrating demonstrations, fully aware of the possible consequences of standing against the Pakistani security forces. The people of PoK are determined to assert their rights and challenge the status quo that has marginalized them for far too long.

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