Lithuania Strengthens Defense: New Plan Boosts Security for 6 Years

World Defense

Lithuania Strengthens Defense: New Plan Boosts Security for 6 Years

Defense News ,Lithuania :-  Lithuania recently introduced a new plan to beef up its National Defence System for the next six years. The plan aims to make the country safer by taking some key steps.

Starting from 2024 and going up to 2030, the plan will set aside 3 percent of the country's total money (gross domestic product) for defense. This money will be used for various things, including making things better for the German brigade. This brigade consists of 4,800 soldiers from NATO who are responsible for protecting the eastern part of the NATO alliance.

The plan also includes making new places for storing weapons and ammunition. They will also work on making the existing places where soldiers train bigger. One such place is the Rūdninkai Training Grounds in southeast Lithuania, which is being reconstructed to make it better.

Additionally, a new group will be formed within the country to make sure that the plans for total defense are carried out properly.

Why This Matters:

Lithuania wants to strengthen its defense because of the ongoing war in Ukraine. This war has raised concerns about security, especially in Lithuania's eastern region. This area is important for NATO's defense plans and has many troops from different countries stationed there.

Lithuania is also working closely with its neighboring countries, Estonia and Latvia, to protect its borders. Recently, they signed an agreement to build defenses along the border with Russia and Belarus. This shows Lithuania's commitment to keeping its borders safe.

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