Joint HADR Training: Indian Army, US Marines, and US Army National Guard Collaborate in Exercise Tiger Triumph for Sub-Conventional Operations

India Defense

Joint HADR Training: Indian Army, US Marines, and US Army National Guard Collaborate in Exercise Tiger Triumph for Sub-Conventional Operations

Defense News ,India :-   In a recent announcement, the Indian Army shared details about an important event called Exercise Tiger Triumph 2024. This exercise brings together not only the Indian Army but also the US Marines and the US Army National Guard. They are training together to handle emergencies like disasters and provide humanitarian assistance.

Exercise Tiger Triumph 2024 is a special training event between India and the United States. It involves not just one but three branches of the military. Right now, they're in the harbor phase of the exercise, which means they're training in the port city of Vishakhapatnam. The opening ceremony for this exercise happened on March 19 aboard a ship called INS Jalashwa.

This exercise shows how closely India and the US are working together. It's not just about showing off military strength; it's about learning from each other. They want to understand the best ways to help people during disasters. The Ministry of Defence explained that this exercise is about sharing ideas and ways of working, so everyone is better prepared for emergencies.

During this harbor phase, which lasts from March 18 to March 25, the military personnel will be doing a lot of things. They'll be talking about their plans, sharing their expertise, and practicing how they would respond to different situations. They're also going to have some friendly sports competitions. This is all to build a stronger bond between the Indian and US military.

The next phase of the exercise will happen at sea, from March 26 to March 31. During this time, they'll set up a joint command center and a medical camp. This is where they'll put into practice what they've been planning during the harbor phase.

What's really important about this exercise is that it's not just about soldiers. The Indian Navy is also involved, bringing in big ships, helicopters, and other important equipment. The Indian Army has sent one of its infantry battalions along with some mechanized forces. The Indian Air Force is participating too, bringing aircraft and medical teams.

Not to be left behind, the US Task Force is also contributing a lot. They have a navy ship with helicopters and other aircraft, along with Marines. This shows that both countries are serious about this training and are putting in a lot of effort.

Overall, Exercise Tiger Triumph 2024 is a big deal. It's not just about military power; it's about cooperation and learning from each other. By working together, India and the US hope to be better prepared to help people in need during disasters. It's a strong example of countries coming together for a common cause.

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