JAXA's Slim Lander Might Have Failed Due to Bumpy Landing, Causing Damage to Solar Panels.

Space & Technology World

JAXA's Slim Lander Might Have Failed Due to Bumpy Landing, Causing Damage to Solar Panels.

Space News ,japan :- Japan's Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) achieved a successful landing on the Moon, marking Japan as the fifth country to accomplish a gentle touchdown on the lunar surface.

Equipped with instruments like a camera, laser altimeter, and magnetometer, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) confirmed the spacecraft's landing. These tools are intended for studying the Moon's geology, environment, and resources.

However, a setback occurred as SLIM's solar panel malfunctioned, leading to a power generation failure. This complication may curtail the spacecraft's operational time on the moon, according to the Japanese space agency.

Observations from space enthusiasts, based on limited spacecraft data, indicate that SLIM's landing wasn't entirely smooth. The orientation of the spacecraft suggests the possibility of rolling during the landing. Currently relying on battery power, SLIM faced uncertainty immediately after landing, with the live stream ending inconclusively. JAXA scientists have been working to address the issue, but progress has been limited.

The batteries are projected to last only a few hours, adding to the challenges faced by Japan's SLIM mission on the lunar surface.

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