India's External Affairs Minister Strongly Responds to UN Remarks on Election Fairness

India Defense

India's External Affairs Minister Strongly Responds to UN Remarks on Election Fairness

Defense News 


External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has responded to remarks made by a senior United Nations official regarding elections in India, stating that he doesn't require validation from the global body on the matter. In response to a query about a statement made by a spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General, Jaishankar emphasized that the Indian elections should be free and fair, a sentiment echoed by the people of India themselves.

The UN official's statement, made last week, came in response to a question during a press briefing regarding political unrest in India leading up to the national elections. The spokesperson expressed hope that everyone's rights, including political and civil liberties, would be protected, and that voting would occur in a free and fair atmosphere.

Jaishankar, who was in attendance to support his ministerial colleague and BJP candidate Rajeev Chandrasekhar in the Lok Sabha polls, dismissed the need for UN intervention, stating, "I don’t need the United Nations to tell me our elections should be free and fair. I have the people of India."

The UN official's comments were prompted by concerns over recent events in India, such as the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and the freezing of opposition Congress’ bank accounts, leading to questions about political stability in the country ahead of the elections.

Despite these concerns, Jaishankar reiterated his confidence in the Indian democratic process, asserting that the people of India will ensure that elections are conducted in a manner that is free and fair.

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