India's Ambitious Nuclear Power Expansion: Aiming for 100 GW by 2047

India Defense

India's Ambitious Nuclear Power Expansion: Aiming for 100 GW by 2047

Defense News


India is setting its sights on a substantial boost in nuclear power production by the year 2047. According to Atomic Energy Commission Chairman A K Mohanty, the goal is to reach a capacity of 1 lakh MW, a significant rise from the current production level of over 8,000 MW.

Mohanty made these remarks during the release of a report titled ‘Synchronising Energy Transitions Towards Possible Net Zero for India: Affordable and Clean Energy for All’, which received substantial funding from the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the government of India.

Ravi B Grover, Chairman Emeritus of the Homi Bhabha National Institute, emphasized the importance of the report, noting that previous studies on India's energy transition had downplayed the role of nuclear power due to perceived high costs and limited public acceptance.

The Department of Atomic Energy is in the process of drafting a vision document for ‘Amrit Kaal’, aiming to achieve a nuclear capacity of about 100 GW by 2047. Mohanty outlined the contributions expected from different reactor types, with breeder reactors contributing 3 GW, light water reactors (built with international cooperation) adding 17.6 GW, and pressurised heavy water reactors contributing 40-45 GW.

The report highlighted the necessity for India to diversify its energy sources, particularly in phasing down coal usage over the next three decades. It emphasized the need for adequate infrastructure for alternative sources such as nuclear power, along with flexible grid infrastructure and storage to support the integration of renewable energy.

Additionally, the report suggested that if India chooses to continue relying on coal, it would need to explore carbon dioxide removal technologies such as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) to comprehend their long-term potential.

India's ambitious plans for nuclear power expansion signal a significant shift in its energy landscape, reflecting its commitment to a diversified and sustainable energy future.

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