Indian Air Force Hold 3 Major War Games on 17 Feb ,Vayu Shakti, Gagan Shakti, and Tarang Shakti

India Defense

Indian Air Force Hold 3 Major War Games on 17 Feb ,Vayu Shakti, Gagan Shakti, and Tarang Shakti

Defense News ,India :- In a strategic move to showcase unity among the defense forces and highlight its expanding strategic capabilities, the Indian Air Force has scheduled three extensive war games on February 17. The exercises, named Vayu Shakti, Gagan Shakti, and Tarang Shakti, aim to demonstrate the integration of various defense forces and the Air Force's growing strategic reach and firepower.

The inaugural exercise, Vayu Shakti, will feature a massive live-fire demonstration in the Thar Desert, Pokhran. Different aircraft from various fleets will engage in precision bombing on diverse targets, as disclosed by defense officials to India Today.

The second major undertaking, 'Gagan Shakti,' will activate the entire air fleet, spanning from north to south and west to east. This exercise is designed to test integrated war-fighting strategies and tactics in collaboration with the other two forces and relevant stakeholders. Noteworthy participants include potent weapon systems such as the Rafale fighter aircraft and the S-400 air defense systems, along with a mix of other new and old systems.

Occurring once every five years, 'Gagan Shakti' is poised to become the largest exercise in the series, featuring active involvement from the other two services.

The third and final major exercise, Tarang Shakti, will mark a historic moment as the first-ever multinational exercise hosted by India. Friendly air forces from countries like the US, Germany, France, Australia, and neighboring nations will participate, making it a truly collaborative and diverse demonstration of military prowess.

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