India Will Get Permanent in UN Security Council , But... : S Jaishankar

India Defense

India Will Get Permanent in UN Security Council , But... : S Jaishankar

Defense News


India's External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, asserted today that India's bid for permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is gaining momentum. Speaking at an interaction in Rajkot, Gujarat, Jaishankar emphasized the need for concerted efforts to secure this position.

Jaishankar highlighted the current composition of the UNSC, dominated by five permanent members since its inception, despite a significant increase in the number of independent countries globally. He noted the growing global sentiment favoring India's inclusion as a permanent member.

Acknowledging the challenges ahead, Jaishankar emphasized the necessity of diligent efforts. He mentioned the collaborative proposal by India, Japan, Germany, and Egypt to the UN, indicating a step forward in the process.

Regarding the sensitive case of Ariha Shah, a baby girl separated from her Indian parents in Germany, Jaishankar assured that the matter is being closely monitored. Expressing dissatisfaction with the situation, he affirmed India's commitment to ensuring the child's upbringing in accordance with her cultural heritage.

Reflecting on India's democratic prowess, Jaishankar underscored the country's resilience amid the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining a commendable growth rate. He highlighted India's potential as a global economic powerhouse, supported by its technological capabilities and advancements in social sectors.

Jaishankar reiterated the world's expectations of India's role in addressing global challenges, emphasizing the need for India to leverage its position as the fifth-largest economy with a vast population to contribute positively to the international community.

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