India Want Canister-Launched Loiter Munitions for Army, Russia Suggests Collaboration

India Defense

India Want Canister-Launched Loiter Munitions for Army, Russia Suggests Collaboration

Defense News ,India :- The Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) wants to make its army stronger by getting new weapons. They're looking for something called Canister-Launched Anti-Armour Loiter Munition (CALM) systems. These systems will help the Indian Army fight better in battles.

India really wants to have good weapons for its army. They are trying to make their defence system modern and powerful.

Russia is also interested in helping India with these new weapons. A Russian expert named Dmitry Kornev thinks that India and Russia should work together on making these weapons. He says India can do some parts of the work, like putting the parts together and making the software for the weapons. Working together like this could make it easier for India to use these weapons internationally.

What are Loiter Munitions?

Loiter munitions are like small flying robots that can stay in one area for a long time. They're sometimes called "kamikaze drones" or "suicide drones". These robots can watch over an area and attack targets with great accuracy. They're very useful in different kinds of battles.

The way India wants these munitions to be launched makes them easy to use quickly in a battle. This is really important, especially in places where India's borders are complicated.

India's Plan for Getting CALM Systems

India isn't just asking one country for these CALM systems. They're asking companies from all over the world to give them options. Even though Russia is interested, India hasn't decided yet who they'll choose to help them with this important purchase.

Whoever gets picked will help India's army become stronger and more modern.

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