India Urges Strict Oversight of IMF Loan to Pakistan , Warns of Arms Funding

India Defense

India Urges Strict Oversight of IMF Loan to Pakistan , Warns of Arms Funding

Defense News ,India :-  India is closely watching the $3 billion loan that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) granted to Pakistan. They want to make sure the money doesn't go to Pakistan's military or to pay off debts to other countries.

Even though India didn't vote for or against the loan initially, they are now pushing for careful monitoring of how the money is used. India's representative at the IMF, Krishnamurthy Subramanian, emphasized this during a recent review of the loan.

This situation highlights the ongoing tensions between India and Pakistan, both armed with nuclear weapons. Pakistan is going through a tough economic time with high inflation and a falling currency. The IMF loan is supposed to help Pakistan's struggling economy.

India is worried that the money might be used in ways that could support Pakistan's military, which could hinder Pakistan's efforts to stabilize its economy.


India and Pakistan have a history of conflicts and wars since gaining independence in 1947. India accuses Pakistan of supporting terrorism across the border, a claim Pakistan denies.

India's request for careful oversight of the IMF loan reflects these broader security concerns. They want to make sure the money helps Pakistan's economy, not its military, to prevent activities that might harm regional stability.

Implications for Pakistan:

Pakistan really needs the IMF money to avoid an economic collapse. India's call for closer monitoring could make it harder for Pakistan to receive future parts of the loan. The IMF might ask Pakistan for more transparency and accountability to address India's worries.

The Future:

India is likely to keep pressuring the IMF and Pakistan to ensure the loan is used for economic recovery. This increased scrutiny might affect Pakistan's economic comeback and its chances of getting more financial help from international organizations.

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