India Received $120 Billions in Remittances in 2023: World Bank Report

India Defense

India Received $120 Billions in Remittances in 2023: World Bank Report

In 2023, India achieved a significant milestone by receiving $120 billion in remittances, according to a World Bank report. This impressive figure highlights India's position as the top recipient of remittances globally, underscoring the crucial role of the Indian diaspora in supporting the nation's economy.

Remittances are funds sent back home by migrants, and they play a vital role in the economies of developing countries like India. For many families, these remittances are a lifeline, providing essential support for education, healthcare, and other basic needs. In India, remittances contribute significantly to the national economy, accounting for a substantial portion of the GDP.

A significant portion of these remittances comes from Indian workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, including Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar. The large Indian workforce in these countries, often employed in construction and low-skilled jobs, sends money back home to support their families. It's estimated that nearly one-third of India's total remittances originate from the Gulf region.

The state-wise distribution of remittances in India shows that Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Delhi receive the largest shares. Kerala, in particular, has a high dependency on remittances, which has played a crucial role in improving the living standards and economic conditions in the state.

The resilience of remittance flows even during challenging times, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, has been remarkable. Despite global economic disruptions, remittances to India remained robust, thanks to the fiscal stimulus in host countries, a shift to digital remittance channels, and stable oil prices.

Overall, the $120 billion in remittances received by India in 2023 not only reflects the strong ties between the Indian diaspora and their homeland but also underscores the critical economic impact of these funds on the country's development and social welfare.

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