India DRDO Microwave Energy Weapons ( DEW ) Program

India Defense

India DRDO Microwave Energy Weapons ( DEW ) Program

Defense News ,India :-  India is actively advancing its capabilities in directed-energy weapons (DEWs), employing high-powered microwaves and lasers under the guidance of the Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). This initiative has seen notable strides in recent years.

Microwaves, a form of electromagnetic radiation, sit between infrared light and radio waves in wavelength. High-powered microwave DEWs possess the capability to disrupt or damage electronic equipment, as well as to induce thermal effects, potentially leading to explosions or melting of targeted objects.

Although India's pursuit of microwave DEWs is still nascent, significant headway has been achieved. Notably, in 2019, DRDO conducted successful tests on a 10-kilowatt laser weapon capable of neutralizing drones within a range of 2.5 kilometers. This milestone underscores India's trajectory toward the development of more potent DEWs in the future.

The employment of microwave DEWs offers several potential advantages. Firstly, they boast high precision, enabling targeted strikes on specific objects or individuals. Secondly, their operational costs are relatively low, given their independence from propellant requirements. Thirdly, they facilitate the incapacitation of enemy equipment without inflicting permanent damage.

However, challenges accompany the utilization of microwave DEWs. Weather conditions, such as rain or fog, can impede their effectiveness. Additionally, without meticulous handling, these weapons pose risks to friendly forces. Moreover, their efficacy against diverse target types remains uncertain.

Other Countries Development of Microwave Energy Weapons:

Several countries are alongside India in developing microwave directed-energy weapons (DEWs) according to publicly available information:

  • United States: The US has been working on DEWs for a long time and is considered a leader in the field. Companies like Epirus are making high-powered microwave systems for the US military.
  • China: China is also actively working on microwave DEWs. There have been reports suggesting that China may have deployed these weapons, but it's not confirmed yet.
  • Russia: Russia has shown interest in DEWs, including microwave weapons, for military use.
  • Germany: press releases From German defense company Rheinmetall highlight their advancements in high-power laser weapon systems . They've successfully tested a 50kW laser weapon demonstrator and are collaborating with other companies for further development 
  • Other countries: Countries like , France, and the United Kingdom are also believed to be working on DEWs, but the extent of their research and development efforts is not always publicly known.

It's important to understand that DEW development is an ongoing process, and a lot of details about these programs are kept secret. We don't know the full capabilities or when these weapons might be fully operational.

Microwave Energy Weapon Effects on Drone , Aircrafts :

Microwave directed-energy weapons (DEWs) can be highly effective against drones and potentially even aircraft, depending on the power and design of the weapon. Here's how they work:

Disruption Through Electromagnetic Interference (EMI): Microwaves can induce high levels of EMI within the target. This disrupts the electronic systems onboard, including:

  • Guidance and navigation systems (GPS, radars)
  • Communication systems (control links)
  • Onboard electronics and sensors

Effects on Drones:

  • A strong enough microwave pulse can completely disable a drone by overwhelming its electronics. This can lead to a loss of control, forcing the drone to crash or land.
  • The advantage of microwave weapons against drones is their ability to target multiple drones simultaneously, making them ideal against drone swarms.

Effects on Aircraft:

  • While more difficult, microwave DEWs can also disrupt the electronics on manned aircraft.
  • Shielding and redundancy in critical systems on aircraft can offer some protection. However, powerful enough microwave pulses could still cause:
  • Disruption of flight controls and instruments
  • Communication blackouts
  • Damage to sensitive avionics

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Power Levels Matter: The effectiveness of a microwave DEW depends on its power output. Lower-powered systems might only disrupt some functions, while high-powered ones could cause permanent damage.
  • Range: The range of microwave DEWs is still under development, but they generally function best at shorter distances compared to laser weapons.
  • Weather Effects: Microwaves can be somewhat attenuated by rain, fog, and other weather conditions.

Overall, microwave DEWs are a promising technology for countering drone threats and potentially even disrupting some aircraft electronics. Their ability to target multiple drones simultaneously and offer a non-explosive option makes them an attractive option for militaries around the world.

Microwave Energy Weapon Effects on Human and Living Organism :

Microwave radiation can affect living organisms in two main ways, depending on the power level: Thermal Effects (High Power):

  • Heating: High-powered microwave beams can cause rapid heating of tissues. This can lead to burns, pain, and even death at close range.
  • Organ Damage: Internal organs, especially the eyes, which have high water content, are susceptible to overheating by microwaves.

Non-Thermal Effects (Low Power):

  • Disruption of Cellular Processes: Lower-powered microwaves may not cause enough heat to damage tissue directly. However, they can still interact with molecules and potentially disrupt cellular processes. The long-term effects of this low-level exposure are still being studied.

Specific Effects on Humans:

  • Skin: Skin irritation, burning sensation, and cataracts (eye damage) are potential effects from high-power exposure.
  • Nervous System: Headaches, dizziness, nausea, and disruption of nerve function are possible with exposure.
  • Overall Health: Long-term exposure to even low levels of microwave radiation is a topic of ongoing research. Some studies suggest potential links to fatigue, headaches, and difficulty concentrating, but more evidence is needed.

Effects on Living Organisms:

  • Animals: Similar effects to humans can be expected in animals exposed to high-powered microwaves.
  • Plants: While less studied, plant growth and development may be affected by exposure to microwaves.

Important Considerations:

  • The severity of effects depends on factors like power level, duration of exposure, and frequency of the microwaves.
  • Current safety standards from organizations like the ICNIRP recommend safe exposure limits for microwave radiation.
  • Microwave DEWs are designed to be targeted and aim for non-lethal effects in most cases.

Microwave radiation can have negative health consequences, particularly at high power levels. However, the specific effects depend on the intensity and duration of exposure. More research is needed on the long-term effects of low-level exposure.

Microwave DEWs represent a promising technological frontier with the potential to reshape modern warfare. India's active involvement in their development aligns with similar efforts by other nations. The future deployment and utilization of this technology will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of defense strategies globally.

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