ISRO's Mangalyaan-2 Mission with Sky Crane Landing and Helicopter Exploration

Space & Technology India

ISRO's Mangalyaan-2 Mission with Sky Crane Landing and Helicopter Exploration


ISRO's Mangalyaan-2 mission aims to land a rover on Mars using a sky crane, alongside developing a helicopter for atmospheric exploration, promising groundbreaking discoveries in Martian exploration.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has set its sights on Mars once again with the unveiling of its plans for Mangalyaan-2, a mission designed to make history with a touchdown on the Red Planet. This ambitious project incorporates innovative techniques aimed at ensuring a safe and productive mission on Mars.

One of the most intriguing features of Mangalyaan-2 is the use of a sky crane for landing the rover. Similar to the system used by NASA’s Perseverance rover, ISRO’s sky crane will facilitate a controlled and delicate descent onto the Martian surface. This approach is vital due to the challenging terrain on Mars. Unlike conventional landing methods involving airbags or ramps, the sky crane will gently lower the rover in an upright position, optimizing its readiness for scientific exploration. ISRO engineers are diligently developing their indigenous sky crane technology specifically tailored for the Indian rover.

Adding to the mission's complexity, ISRO is developing a fully functional helicopter to explore the thin Martian atmosphere. Codenamed “MARBLE” (Martian Boundary Layer Explorer), this rotorcraft is currently in the conceptual stage. Equipped with scientific instruments, MARBLE will be capable of reaching altitudes of up to 100 meters, providing valuable insights into the unique characteristics of the Martian atmosphere.

To ensure seamless communication between Earth and the Martian explorers, ISRO plans to deploy a relay communication satellite before launching the main spacecraft. This satellite, launched aboard the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), will bridge the vast distance between Mars and Earth. By relaying signals, it will enable scientists on Earth to stay connected with and monitor the mission’s progress in real-time.

Mangalyaan-2 will also feature a sophisticated rover equipped with a suite of scientific instruments. This rover will embark on a mission to analyze the Martian surface, its composition, and potentially uncover signs of past or present life on the Red Planet.

In summary, ISRO's Mangalyaan-2 mission represents a significant leap forward in India's space exploration endeavors. With innovative landing technologies, a pioneering helicopter for atmospheric exploration, and advanced communication systems, this mission holds the promise of unlocking new discoveries and expanding our understanding of Mars and its potential for harboring life.

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