INS Nirupak, Indian Navy's Stalwart Survey Ship, Decommissioned after 38 Years of Service

India Defense

INS Nirupak, Indian Navy's Stalwart Survey Ship, Decommissioned after 38 Years of Service

Defense News ,India :- In a solemn ceremony presided over by Vice Admiral Adhir Arora, Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India, the Indian Navy bid farewell to its indigenously designed and built survey ship, INS Nirupak, at Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam on January 29, 2024. Launched on June 4, 1981, at GRSE and commissioned into service on August 14, 1985, by Vice Admiral Jayant Ganpat Nadkarni, the ship served with distinction for nearly four decades.

Operating out of Visakhapatnam under the administrative and operational control of FOCINC, ENC, INS Nirupak received recognition for its unwavering commitment to hydrography. The ship was honored with the Admiral Jal Cursetji Rolling Trophy for the best Survey Ship in 1994, 1995, 2005, and 2009. Beyond its surveying duties, INS Nirupak played a crucial role in humanitarian and disaster relief operations, notably during Operation Gambhir Tsunami Relief in 2004, where it provided critical aid as a hospital ship to Indonesia.

With a legacy spanning 20 Commanding Officers, INS Nirupak has left an indelible mark on maritime excellence, shaping naval operations and advancing scientific understanding of oceanography. The hydrographic survey data collected by the ship has significantly contributed to enhancing navigational safety in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) and beyond.

As the naval ensign and commissioning pennant were ceremoniously lowered on January 29, 2024, in the presence of officers and sailors who served onboard INS Nirupak, the decommissioning marked the end of an era. However, it also signifies the dawn of a new chapter in the Indian Navy's survey capabilities, paving the way for future advancements and achievements in maritime exploration.

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