Houthi Attack Kills 11 Loyalists in Southern Yemen: Official

World Defense

Houthi Attack Kills 11 Loyalists in Southern Yemen: Official

Defense News


In a recent incident in Yemen's south, a surprise attack by Houthi rebels resulted in the death of 11 fighters loyal to the Yemeni government. The attack occurred early Wednesday morning in Lahij province, targeting fighters from the Southern Transitional Council (STC), the main southern separatist group. Mohammed al-Naqib, a spokesperson for STC, confirmed that their forces were the target and stated that despite the casualties, the rebels did not make any significant advances.

The clash lasted for about five hours, during which the government loyalists managed to repel the Houthi attack. A military official corroborated the toll, mentioning that while the loyalists suffered casualties, they successfully thwarted the assault. The official did not provide exact figures for the number of rebel casualties.

This incident comes amidst a period of relative calm in Yemen following the expiration of a six-month truce in April 2022. Despite the overall decrease in hostilities, sporadic flare-ups have occurred in various parts of the country. Notably, in March of the previous year, clashes with Houthi rebels in Marib province resulted in the deaths of at least 10 soldiers.

The conflict in Yemen originated in 2014 when the Houthis seized control of the capital, Sanaa, leading to a Saudi-led military intervention the following year. Nearly a decade of war has resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and triggered a severe humanitarian crisis.

Efforts to broker peace have faced setbacks, with the latest ceasefire agreement reached in December. However, the peace process has stalled due to continued Houthi aggression, including attacks on ships in the Red Sea since November. The rebels claim these actions are in solidarity with Palestinians amid the Gaza conflict.

Speaking on the matter, US special envoy Tim Lenderking emphasized that the Red Sea attacks undermine efforts for peace in Yemen. He noted the challenges in negotiating a successful resolution as long as the Houthi aggression persists.

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