Germany Order 75 Advanced JASSM-ER Cruise Missiles from the U.S

World Defense

Germany Order 75 Advanced JASSM-ER Cruise Missiles from the U.S

Defense News ,Germany :- The German government has set in motion the procurement process for 75 cutting-edge JASSM-ER (Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile-Extended Range) cruise missiles from the United States, marking a significant step towards fortifying Germany's long-range precision strike capabilities, according to reports from the German daily "Bild".

This decision to acquire the JASSM-ER missiles, which have the potential to supplant the current arsenal of Taurus missiles, is in line with Germany’s overarching defense strategy. This strategic direction was indicated in 2022 when the German government expressed its intention to acquire F-35 fighter jets from the U.S., alongside a variety of missiles tailored to complement these stealth aircraft.

In addition to the procurement of JASSM-ER missiles, the agreement will encompass the acquisition of various air-to-air and air-to-ground munitions to enhance the capabilities of the F-35 jets previously ordered by Germany. However, “Bild” highlights that the process of acquiring the JASSM-ER missiles has faced delays, setting it apart from the earlier phases of the F-35 and associated munitions procurement.

An official contract for the JASSM-ER missiles is expected to be finalized this autumn, heralding a significant advancement in the operational reach and precision of the German Air Force. Renowned for their extended range and stealth features, these missiles empower aircraft to engage targets from a safe distance without venturing into hostile airspace.

A spokesperson for the German defense ministry emphasized the comprehensive nature of the procurement plan, which encompasses a diverse array of weaponry, including a crucial air-to-ground component, as part of the integration of the F-35A into Germany’s military architecture. "The relevant contracts have not yet been concluded in full, and it is not possible to anticipate any open decisions," the spokesperson reiterated, underscoring the ongoing nature of the acquisition process.

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