European Union Discusses EUR 5 Billion Revamp for Ukraine Military Aid

World Defense

European Union Discusses EUR 5 Billion Revamp for Ukraine Military Aid

Defense News ,Europe :- The European Union is thinking about making big changes to how it provides military aid to Ukraine. Instead of just sending weapons from its existing stockpiles, the EU is considering a new approach. According to reports from Bloomberg, the European External Action Service (EEAS) has suggested creating a new fund called the Ukraine Assistance Fund, with a budget of EUR 5 billion.

The current system, known as the European Peace Facility (EPF), has faced challenges like delays and disagreements. This is because unanimous support is needed to decide how to use the funds. The proposed Ukraine Assistance Fund aims to solve this by bringing together the views of all member states. It plans to do this by offering fixed reimbursement rates and encouraging joint efforts between European and Ukrainian industries.

Key features of the new fund include jointly buying both lethal (weapons) and non-lethal (non-weapons) support. It also focuses on providing ongoing training for Ukrainian troops. This new approach is meant to work alongside the current system of countries giving aid directly to Ukraine. It specifically targets urgent needs like artillery, special munitions, drones, air defense, and non-lethal support.

Although some member states have suggested getting weapons from a wider range of suppliers, the EEAS proposal emphasizes giving priority to European Union industries. The plan includes setting specific goals, deadlines for achieving them, and the possibility of increasing funding every year until 2027.

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