Enhancing Real-Time Visualization: Siemens and NVIDIA Strengthen Partnership in Generative AI

World Defense

Enhancing Real-Time Visualization: Siemens and NVIDIA Strengthen Partnership in Generative AI

Defense News ,World :- Siemens and NVIDIA are teaming up to make something called the "industrial metaverse." It's like a fancy way of saying they're working together to make really cool stuff for industries. Siemens is bringing some new tech called NVIDIA Omniverse Cloud APIs to its Xcelerator platform. This will help make digital twins (which are like virtual versions of real things) even better by using AI technology.

The big bosses at Siemens and NVIDIA talked about this collaboration. Roland Busch, the big boss at Siemens, said they're going to change how products are made and used. He thinks people will be able to interact with products using natural language, just like talking to a friend. Jensen Huang, the big boss at NVIDIA, said Siemens is helping bring NVIDIA's tech to more industries. This means more companies can make digital twins using AI.

Siemens is going to release a new product later this year for something called Teamcenter® X. It's like a fancy computer program for making and managing products. This new product will let engineers make really realistic digital twins super easily. They can do this using NVIDIA's Omniverse tech, which makes things look almost like the real deal.

With this new tech, engineers won't have to spend forever adjusting tiny details in their virtual designs. Instead, they can use AI to speed things up. This means tasks that used to take days can now be done in just a few hours. Plus, everyone from salespeople to decision-makers can benefit from seeing products in super realistic detail. This helps them make better choices faster.

Siemens and NVIDIA also showed off this new tech with HD Hyundai, a company that makes ships. HD Hyundai is working on some really cool ships that use special fuels like ammonia and hydrogen. Making these ships is super complicated because there are so many parts to keep track of. But with Siemens and NVIDIA's help, HD Hyundai can now see all these parts in a virtual world. This makes it easier for them to plan and build their ships.

Taejin Lee, a big boss at HD Hyundai, said they've always trusted Siemens for helping them manage their products. Now, with this new collaboration, they can see their ships in virtual reality. This helps them understand their projects better and saves them time and money.

So, in short, Siemens and NVIDIA are joining forces to make awesome virtual stuff for industries. This will help engineers design better products faster, and companies like HD Hyundai can make their dreams a reality.

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