'Devin AI' World’s 1st Fully Autonomous AI Launched

Space & Technology World

'Devin AI' World’s 1st Fully Autonomous AI Launched

Technology News ,World :-  A company in the US named Cognition has made a big announcement. They've created a new kind of computer program called Devin. They say Devin is the world's first AI software engineer that can work all by itself.

Cognition describes Devin as a really helpful team member. It can work together with people or do tasks on its own for them to check later.

What Can Devin Do?

Devin is super smart. It can handle tough engineering jobs that need thousands of decisions. The company says Devin can remember important details, learn as it goes, and fix mistakes.

Cognition has also given Devin tools that real developers use, like a code editor and a web browser. And it's set up in a way that keeps everything safe. Plus, Devin can talk to users, share updates, take suggestions, and help make decisions.

The Results Speak for Themselves

According to Cognition, Devin is really good at solving problems. It gets things right about 14% of the time from start to finish. That's much better than other similar programs, which only manage about 2% to 5% accuracy.

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