DRDO Initiates New Weapon Test Centre in Junput, West Bengal

India Defense

DRDO Initiates New Weapon Test Centre in Junput, West Bengal

Defense News


The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has initiated a new project in Junput village, West Bengal, to establish a small test centre for the country’s weapon systems. Officials have revealed that Junput, akin to Odisha’s Chandipur, situated along the Bay of Bengal, has been chosen for this purpose due to the need for an additional operation area. The existing Integrated Test Range (ITR) in Chandipur, Balasore, has reached its capacity concerning testing activities.

The DRDO, since its inception, has focused on developing advanced sensors, weapon systems, platforms, and related equipment for defense and security across various domains. Timely trials of these weapon systems are crucial, prompting the implementation of a plan for a new operation area near Digha, approximately 70 kilometers from Chandipur, at Junput.

Junput, positioned 177 kilometers from Kolkata and 40 kilometers from Digha, a well-known sea resort town, covers an area of 8.73 acres in the coastal region of West Bengal. The proposed site has met the necessary safety standards and has received approvals from both the central and West Bengal governments, as well as the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.

Ensuring the safety and well-being of the local populace, especially fishermen and farmers, remains a priority for the DRDO during its tests and trials. The organization strives to conduct these activities without disrupting the daily lives of the people residing near the test site.

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