China testing stealth fighter jet for its 3rd aircraft carrier: Report

India Defense

China testing stealth fighter jet for its 3rd aircraft carrier: Report

China is taking significant steps toward bolstering its naval capabilities with the development and testing of the J-35, a stealth fighter jet that is set to be deployed on its third aircraft carrier, *Fujian*. Unlike its predecessors, the *Fujian* is equipped with advanced technology like an electromagnetic aircraft launch system (EMALS), similar to that found on the U.S. Navy's *USS Gerald R. Ford*. The J-35, China’s next-generation carrier-borne stealth fighter, could be a key component in transforming the power and versatility of its naval aviation.

According to official reports from Chinese state media, the *J-35* was tested earlier this year on the *Liaoning*, China's first aircraft carrier, which was originally a Soviet-era ship refitted for the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). The J-35, still in its developmental stage, marks China's second fifth-generation fighter jet, following the introduction of the J-20. Its role is crucial, as it is designed for deployment on aircraft carriers like the *Fujian*, which represents a technological leap forward for China’s naval forces.

The *Fujian* is notably larger than China’s two previous carriers, *Liaoning* and *Shandong*, with a displacement of approximately 80,000 tons. This new carrier features a flat-top flight deck, allowing the implementation of EMALS technology, unlike the older ski-jump take-off ramps on the other two carriers. This modern system will give the *Fujian* the capability to launch a broader variety of aircraft, including the stealthy and highly anticipated J-35, more efficiently.

The J-35 itself is being developed by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation and is often compared to Lockheed Martin’s F-35, a fifth-generation fighter that is widely regarded as one of the most advanced in the world. While the J-35 is still in its prototype phase, it is expected to rival the F-35 in terms of stealth features, radar-evading capabilities, and overall performance. The J-35 is being viewed as China’s answer to the U.S. military’s technological advancements in aerial combat, particularly with the U.S.'s carrier-borne F-35.

China’s third carrier, *Fujian*, represents the next evolution in the PLAN’s capability to project power far from its shores. Its electromagnetic catapult technology, which allows for smoother, faster aircraft launches, gives China a more efficient way to deploy heavier and more sophisticated aircraft like the J-35. The system is also less taxing on the aircraft themselves, reducing wear and tear and potentially extending the lifespan of China's carrier fleet.

The testing of the J-35 on both the *Liaoning* and the *Shandong* suggests that China plans to integrate this advanced stealth fighter into the operations of all its carriers, enhancing the capabilities of its naval air wing across the board. By equipping all three carriers with the J-35, China is not only increasing the technological sophistication of its naval aviation but also boosting its deterrence and power projection capabilities, particularly in strategic regions such as the South China Sea.

This development is closely watched by global military experts, as it indicates China’s growing ability to compete with the U.S. and other nations that rely heavily on carrier-borne operations. Collin Koh, a senior fellow at Singapore’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, commented that the use of the *Liaoning* as a testing platform for the J-35 signals China’s commitment to refining its carrier-borne aircraft technology, ensuring that the J-35 becomes a viable and fully operational fighter for the future.

While the J-35 remains under development, its integration into China’s growing carrier fleet highlights the country’s push to assert its dominance in naval warfare, with an eye on competing with the world's leading military powers. If successful, the J-35, when combined with the cutting-edge capabilities of the *Fujian*, could provide China with a formidable maritime presence, reshaping the balance of power in Asia and beyond.

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