China Minimizes Significance of India's MIRV Test Achievement, Recognizes Technological Advancement

India Defense

China Minimizes Significance of India's MIRV Test Achievement, Recognizes Technological Advancement

Defense News ,China :-  China has reacted to India's successful Agni-V missile test, which features Multiple Independently Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology. Chinese state-run media and experts recognize India's technological advancement, but they downplay the immediate threat.

According to Liu Zongyi, director of the Center for South Asia Studies at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, China isn't worried. He believes that India's overall military strength is still behind China's, minimizing the immediate impact of the test on the regional power balance.

The Global Times, China's state-run media, admits India's growing expertise in ballistic missile technology. An unnamed Beijing-based military expert acknowledges India's capability to launch multiple satellites with a single rocket, considering it a crucial step in developing MIRV systems. Despite downplaying the situation, the expert emphasizes that India's progress should not be ignored.

China's response reflects a strategic approach. It aims to reduce the perception of immediate vulnerability while subtly acknowledging India's increasing technological sophistication.

India's progress in MIRV technology is a noteworthy achievement in its defense capabilities. MIRVs allow a single missile to deliver multiple warheads to different targets, potentially changing the strategic dynamics in the region. While China plays down the immediate threat, this development highlights India's determination to strengthen its military capabilities.

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