Chengdu J-20 vs. Dassault Rafale : Evaluating Military Aviation Giants

World Defense

Chengdu J-20 vs. Dassault Rafale : Evaluating Military Aviation Giants

Defense News ,China  :-  In the world of military airplanes, there's a lot of talk about the Chengdu J-20, also known as the "Mighty Dragon." People are curious about how stealthy it is and whether it's popular in the market. The J-20 has been used by the PLA Air Force since 2017, and they've made around 230 of them. But experts still argue about how good it really is.

Some people doubt China's claims that the J-20 can compete with Western 5th-generation fighters. They say it might not be as advanced as they say because it hasn't been used much and hasn't fought in any wars outside China.

On the other hand, there's the Rafale, which is a 4.5-generation fighter. It's quite different from the J-20. The Rafale has been proven to be stealthy, and it's been used by many air forces in different countries. People compare the J-20 and the Rafale, especially in case of a conflict between India and China, to see which one would be better.

The J-20 has fancy technology like a radar system and a modern cockpit to help the pilot see what's happening around them. It can carry missiles and bombs inside its body, which helps make it stealthy. But some people worry because it uses engines from Russia, and China is still working on its own engines for the J-20.

Even though the J-20 has some cool features, not many countries want to buy it. Even countries that are close to China, like Pakistan, aren't very interested. Maybe it's because the J-20 is big, expensive, and still needs some work to be perfect. Also, since it hasn't been in any real fights yet, people aren't sure how well it would do.

In comparison, the Rafale has been used in battles, and it's known to be good. It has a strong radar, reliable engines, and systems to protect against electronic attacks. It's been tested in different situations and has shown that it's dependable.

People argue whether the J-20 is really a 5th-generation fighter or not. But the Rafale has already proved itself in many roles, showing that having experience and being reliable can be more important than having all the newest technology.

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