Brazil Launches Third Scorpène Submarine 'Tonelero'

World Defense

Brazil Launches Third Scorpène Submarine 'Tonelero'

Defense News ,Brazil :- On March 27, a big event happened at Itaguaí Naval Base. They launched the third of four Scorpène submarines as part of the ProSub program. Both the Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and French President Emmanuel Macron were there to see it. This submarine, called Tonelero, was entirely built in Brazil by Itaguaí Construções Navais (ICN). It's a big deal because it shows how successful the partnership between Brazil and France has been.

The Tonelero was launched just a few weeks after another submarine called Humaita was delivered. It's now going to start sea trials and should be ready for action by 2025. The last submarine of the series, Angostura, will be launched in 2025.

This launch proves that the ProSub program is a success. It's a part of the strategic defense cooperation agreement signed by France and Brazil in 2008. This program not only gives Brazil's navy new and better submarines but also helps Brazil become more independent in making its own military equipment.

The Chairman and CEO of Naval Group, Pierre Éric Pommellet, said that launching the Tonelero is a big achievement. It shows how well Brazil and Naval Group can work together. They are committed to supporting Brazil's navy and helping Brazil build a strong naval industry.

Naval Group has been a key partner for Brazil's navy since 2009. Brazil chose Naval Group for its submarine program. They wanted four new submarines and also to develop a nuclear-powered one. The Scorpène submarines for this program are made and put together in Itaguaí by ICN. Naval Group helped by sharing technology, giving the design plans for the submarines, supplying equipment, and offering technical help to ICN. Workers from ICN were even trained in France to learn how to build submarines. This training, along with technical support, helps ICN build submarines from start to finish.

This partnership is crucial for Brazil's sovereignty. It's not just about getting new submarines; it's about being able to make them on their own. This way, Brazil can rely on itself for its defense needs. It's a big step forward for Brazil's navy and its industry.

So, the launch of the Tonelero isn't just about a new submarine. It's a symbol of a strong partnership between Brazil and France. It shows what can be achieved when countries work together. And for Brazil, it's a sign of progress and independence in defense.

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