Biden Promises US Shall Respond After 3 Troops Killed ,25 Wounded in Jordan US Military Base

World Defense

Biden Promises US Shall Respond After 3 Troops Killed ,25 Wounded in Jordan US Military Base

Defense NEws ,US :- In a tragic incident on Sunday, a drone attack targeted a base in Jordan, resulting in the death of three American troops and injuries to over 30 individuals. President Joe Biden attributed the attack to Iran-backed militants, vowing to hold them accountable. This marks the first time American military personnel have been killed by hostile fire in the Middle East during the ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran-backed Hamas.

President Biden, addressing the attack, stated, "While we are still gathering the facts of this attack, we know it was carried out by radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq." He pledged to hold those responsible accountable in a manner and at a time of the United States' choosing.

The incident occurred at a logistics support base, Tower 22, in northeast Jordan, according to the US Central Command (CENTCOM). The base, with around 350 US Army and Air Force personnel, plays a crucial role in supporting the international coalition against the Islamic State jihadist group.

As tensions rise in the region, with fears of a broader conflict involving Tehran, various reactions emerged. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri deemed the attack a message to the American administration, warning of potential consequences unless the violence against innocent people in Gaza ceases.

Jordan's government initially misreported the location of the attack, later clarifying that it targeted an advanced position on the border with Syria. The international community, including Bahrain, Egypt, and Britain, condemned the attack, with the UK's Foreign Secretary David Cameron urging Iran to de-escalate tensions in the region.

This incident poses a significant challenge for President Biden in an election year, with critics, including former President Donald Trump, attributing it to perceived weaknesses in Biden's approach.

The Middle East has witnessed escalating violence, with over 150 attacks on US and allied forces in Iraq and Syria since mid-October. The conflict, exacerbated by the Israel-Hamas clashes, has drawn in Iran-backed groups in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, heightening concerns of a broader regional conflict directly involving Iran – a scenario the United States is eager to avoid.

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