Baloch Rights Activist Appeals to UN: “Pakistan is Committing Heinous Crimes in Balochistan”

World Defense

Baloch Rights Activist Appeals to UN: “Pakistan is Committing Heinous Crimes in Balochistan”

Defense News ,Pakistan :- In a recent speech at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), Baloch rights activist Hakeem Baloch emphasized the urgent need for the UN to acknowledge the legitimate desires of the Balochistan people for self-determination. He highlighted the severe injustices faced by the Baloch people under the Pakistani government.

Balochistan, a region annexed by Pakistan in 1948, has been a hotbed of oppression, exploitation, and denial of basic rights for over seventy years. Hakeem Baloch pointed out the systematic mistreatment endured by the Baloch people, including political marginalization, economic exploitation, and suppression of their culture. He went further to accuse Pakistan of committing serious crimes such as genocide in the region.

According to Baloch, the Baloch people have been peacefully advocating for independence from Pakistan, exercising their right to self-determination as stated in the UN Charter. However, instead of listening to their pleas, the Baloch people have faced violence, intimidation, and repression from the Pakistani authorities.

Moreover, Baloch raised concerns about the Pakistani government's actions, including the banning of political parties in Balochistan and denying the Baloch people their right to assemble peacefully. He highlighted the plight of organizations like the Baloch National Movement and the Baloch National Student Organization Azad, which have been outlawed, restricting the Baloch people's ability to voice their concerns.

The situation in Balochistan is dire, with enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, and arbitrary arrests becoming commonplace. Baloch emphasized the urgent need for the international community to intervene and address the calls of the Baloch people to secure their future.

As the Pakistani state continues its efforts to silence dissent and crush Baloch resistance, Baloch urged the UN to step in and ensure that the people of Balochistan have the opportunity to decide their own future. He called upon the international community to listen to the voices of the Baloch people and take decisive action to bring an end to their suffering.

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