Baloch Liberation Army Announces Successful Completion of Operation Dara-e-Bolan, Eliminating 78 Pakistani Soldiers

World Defense

Baloch Liberation Army Announces Successful Completion of Operation Dara-e-Bolan, Eliminating 78 Pakistani Soldiers

Defense News ,Baluchistan :- The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) declared the triumphant conclusion of Operation Dara-e-Bolan, a two-day military campaign, during which 385 'Baloch Freedom Fighters,' including 12 Fidayeen, participated. The operation resulted in the elimination of 78 Pakistani soldiers, securing control over a 70km radius area, including the town of Mach and the strategic highway NH-65.

The BLA expressed readiness to collaborate with any nation against the common enemy for mutual benefit. The operation, conducted from January 29 to 31, involved various BLA units, achieving all targeted goals, according to the BLA statement reported by Indian News Agency ANI.

BLA's primary objectives for Operation Dara-e-Bolan were to showcase its capability to liberate a city in Baluchistan from Pakistani 'occupying' forces and to convey a message to the world about the alleged atrocities committed by Pakistani forces in Baluchistan. The BLA emphasized the need for international recognition as the legitimate army of the Baloch nation.

The statement also highlighted the support received from organizations affiliated with Baloch Raji Aajoi Sangar, underscoring the significance of coordination and unity in Baloch history.

Operation Dara-e-Bolan featured diverse military tactics, including 15 Sniper/Laser Attacks, 21 Counterattacks, 11 Grenades/Bombings, 11 Ambushes, 11 Targeted Attacks, 5 Guerrilla Attacks, and one Missile Attack. The BLA successfully targeted 78 Army personnel, 44 Police/Levies, 35 paramilitary Frontier Corps, and 10 Secret Services.

Despite BLA taking control of a vast area for two days, the enemy forces reportedly managed to martyr only one BLA fighter, highlighting the professional military skills and capabilities of the Baloch Liberation Army.

The BLA's message to the world, conveyed through Operation Dara-e-Bolan, emphasized its ability to crush occupying forces and urged institutions and nations with mutual interests to collaborate against the common enemy. The operation resulted in the destruction of military and police vehicles, surveillance cameras, and the seizure of weaponry by the BLA.

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