BEML Successfully Test Fires Indigenous 1500 HP Engine for Military Tanks

India Defense

BEML Successfully Test Fires Indigenous 1500 HP Engine for Military Tanks

Defense News ,India :- In a big step forward, BEML, a government-owned company, successfully tested its own 1500 horsepower (HP) engine for military vehicles at its factory in Mysuru. The test was launched by Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane and is a significant achievement for India's efforts to rely on itself for defense technology.

Making India Stronger in Defense

This project to develop a 1500 HP engine is an important part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's goal to make India self-reliant, called "Atmanirbhar Bharat." Giridhar Aramane stressed how vital this project is, saying it will make India stronger militarily on the world stage. He pointed out that creating this engine shows off India's skill in defense technology.

Cutting-Edge Features

The 1500 HP engine made by BEML has some very advanced features. It can be controlled electronically and has a CRDi fuel injection system. It also has a special system to clean its air filter and warn if there are any issues electronically. Plus, it's designed to work in really tough conditions like high altitudes over 5,000 meters, extreme cold down to minus 40 degrees Celsius, and hot deserts up to 55 degrees Celsius.

Finishing on Time with Top Quality

To make sure the project finished on time and met high quality standards, it was divided into five big stages. Despite difficulties, like the COVID-19 pandemic, the first test of the 1500 HP engine shows they finished the first stage, which focused on getting the technology right.

What's Next?

They've already started making the first batch of engines, and they plan to test 20 of them more in the next year. If those tests go well, these engines will be put into Indian Army vehicles. Next, they'll move on to the second stage of the project, making engines for different tests at the Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment (CVRDE) and then testing them in real vehicles. They hope to finish the whole project by the middle of 2025.

BEML Helping India's Defense

The head of BEML, Shantanu Roy, said this achievement shows how BEML is playing a big role in making defense equipment in India. This shows their strong commitment to helping India's defense.

Honoring the BEML Team

At the event, Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane unveiled the 'Wall of Fame' to honor the BEML team's hard work. This wall celebrates how they've helped make India's defense stronger by achieving these milestones in making their own technology. The event was attended by important people from the Ministry of Defence, other companies involved, and BEML Ltd, showing how everyone worked together on this important project.

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