Analyzing Alleged Malfunctions of Indian Arms in Armenia: Are They Performance Issues or Propaganda Tactics?

India Defense

Analyzing Alleged Malfunctions of Indian Arms in Armenia: Are They Performance Issues or Propaganda Tactics?

Defense News ,India :- A recent story by a news outlet from Azerbaijan called Caliber.Az has brought up concerns about how well weapons from India are working in Armenia. The report talks about former Armenian Defense Minister Arshak Karapetyan saying there might be problems with Indian weapons.

However, we need to look carefully at whether these claims are true and what reasons might be behind the report.

Understanding the Claims

Arshak Karapetyan, who was Defense Minister for a short time in 2021, reportedly said that some weapons from India haven't been working right for about a year.

But the report doesn't give clear details about which weapons are having problems. This lack of information makes it hard to know for sure if what's being said is true.

Checking the Source and Their Motives

Two important things make this situation more complicated:

Karapetyan's Short Time: Since Karapetyan wasn't Defense Minister for very long, it's uncertain how much he knows about these complex weapons.

Where the Report Comes From: Caliber.Az is from Azerbaijan, which has had conflicts with Armenia for a long time. The president of Azerbaijan has criticized countries like India and France for giving weapons to Armenia. This makes it seem like the report might be more about spreading one-sided ideas than just reporting facts.

India and Armenia's Defense Relationship

India and Armenia have been working more closely on defense. Some of the things they've done together include:

  • Armenia got four Swathi Weapon Locating Radars in 2020.
  • Armenia ordered Akash Surface-to-Air Missiles, but they haven't been delivered yet.
  • Six ATAGS Artillery Guns have been sent, and more will be sent later in 2024.
  • Deliveries of MarG 155x39 Howitzer Guns started in 2023.

Analyzing and Asking Questions

This situation makes us wonder:

  • Are Karapetyan's comments about problems with Indian weapons just about a few isolated incidents, or is there a bigger issue with these weapons?
  • How much is Azerbaijan's conflict with Armenia influencing reports about these weapon problems? Is the goal to make Armenia and its friends look bad?
  • Why haven't we been given specific details about the weapons having issues and proof to back up the claims?

Wrapping Up

The report from Caliber.Az and what Karapetyan said leaves us unsure. Both the source and the person making the claims are tied to the ongoing conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Until we see more proof and someone looks at the situation independently, it's hard to say if these claims are real concerns or just part of a plan to make Armenia look bad.

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