AI Analyse Brain Scans to Detect Anxiety in a Person

India Defense

AI Analyse Brain Scans to Detect Anxiety in a Person

Technology News ,World :-  Researchers in a recent study, reported in the Nature Mental Health journal, have shown that computers using artificial intelligence (AI) can find people who have anxiety disorders by studying their brain structures.

This study, which looked at the brains of around 3,500 young people aged 10 to 25 from different parts of the world, used a kind of AI called machine learning (ML). Machine learning helps computers learn and get better at tasks without needing to be explicitly programmed.

The researchers taught these computer algorithms to look at things like the thickness of the brain's outer layer, the size of certain areas, and the volumes of deeper brain parts. They then used this information to find patterns linked to anxiety disorders.

Making the Algorithms Even Better

Even though the initial findings are good, the researchers say the algorithms need more work. They suggest adding other types of brain data, like how different parts of the brain communicate and patterns of brain activity, to make the AI tools better at diagnosing anxiety disorders. By making these algorithms more precise, doctors can better understand and treat anxiety.

A big discovery of the study is that the results seem to be true for lots of different types of young people. Even though people come from different backgrounds and places, and their anxiety might show up differently, the computer models still worked well. This suggests that the signs of anxiety in the brain might be similar for everyone, no matter where they come from.

Lead researcher Moji Aghajani believes that AI could change how we understand and treat mental health issues. Aghajani pointed out that our current understanding of how the brain works when it comes to anxiety is limited, especially in young people. Most studies focus on large groups of people and average out their experiences, ignoring what makes each person unique.

Anxiety's Impact and the Promise of AI

Anxiety disorders are a big problem that affects people's lives and can have effects on society and the economy. But we still don't fully understand how they work in the brain.

The combination of AI and brain science is bringing in a new age of mental health research. By using AI to look at lots of brain scans, scientists can learn more about what's happening in the brains of people with anxiety disorders. This could lead to better ways to treat anxiety and help people who are struggling with it.

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