Indian Government Clear Stand on Rohingya Migrants in SC

India Defense

 Indian Government Clear Stand on Rohingya Migrants in SC

Defense News ,India :- The Indian government recently talked to the Supreme Court about what should happen to Rohingya Muslim people who are living in India. They say that these people don't have the right to live and settle in India like citizens do.

The government's main point is that the court shouldn't decide who can stay in India. That's the job of the government and the Parliament.

They're worried about security if Rohingya people keep staying in India. They say some of them are doing bad things like making fake IDs, selling people illegally, and trying to cause trouble. They also talk about how there are already too many people coming into India illegally from Bangladesh, and it's changing the population in some states.

Rohingya people are a group of Muslims who've been treated badly in Myanmar. Many of them ran away to other countries, including India. But, India hasn't decided what to do with them yet.

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