India Deploys RV Samudra Ratnakar to Counter Chinese Survey Ships in Indian Ocean

India Defense

 India Deploys RV Samudra Ratnakar to Counter Chinese Survey Ships in Indian Ocean

Defense News ,India :- India has sent its research vessel, RV Samudra Ratnakar, to the waters off its eastern coast. This move places it near two Chinese survey ships. Tensions have risen because a Chinese military survey ship, Yuan Wang 3, is also operating in the same area.

The RV Samudra Ratnakar is a special ship used for studying oceans. It belongs to the Geological Survey of India (GSI). People think India is sending this ship to counter China's survey work.

China's ships, XIANG YANG HONG 01 and XIANG YANG HONG 03, are with Yuan Wang 3. They are possibly tracking ballistic missiles. This worries India because these ships are close to important places for India.

Though India hasn't officially said why it sent RV Samudra Ratnakar, it's likely trying to stop the Chinese ships from collecting data.

What RV Samudra Ratnakar Can Do

This ship is quite advanced. It was made in South Korea by Hyundai Heavy Industries. Here are its main features:

  • It can stay at sea for up to 45 days at a time.
  • It has room for 73 people, including 25 scientists who study Earth.
  • It's equipped with advanced tools like:
  • Positioning Systems (to know where it is)
  • Sonar Systems (to see under the sea)
  • Seismic Equipment (to study movements under the seabed)
  • Tools to measure magnetism and gravity
  • A remote-controlled underwater vehicle (to explore deep areas)
  • Tools to take samples from the sea
  • A system to manage all the data collected

What This Means Strategically

This situation shows how India and China are not getting along, especially in the Indian Ocean, which is very important.

It's a sign that both countries are competing for resources and power in this area.

India wants to show that it's also a big player in the Indian Ocean and can protect its interests.

India's decision to send RV Samudra Ratnakar to the waters near the Chinese survey ships is significant. It demonstrates India's capability to respond to activities that it perceives as a threat to its strategic interests. With tensions simmering between India and China, such moves can have broader implications for regional dynamics in the Indian Ocean. As both nations continue to assert their presence and compete for influence, developments like these highlight the complexities of geopolitics in the region.

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