Bangladeshi Cargo Ship Captured by Pirates : Reject India-EU Help

World Defense

 Bangladeshi Cargo Ship Captured by Pirates : Reject India-EU Help

Defense News , Bangaldesh :-  In the Indian Ocean, Somali pirates captured a Bangladeshi cargo ship named MV Abdullah. The Bangladeshi government and the ship's owner refused help from the European Union and Indian Navy. They're trying to negotiate with the pirates for the release of the ship and its 23 crew members.

The owner of the ship is talking to the pirates to figure out how much money they want in exchange for releasing the crew. But they haven't shared the exact amount of money they're negotiating for.

Although things are uncertain, there's some good news. Captain Sakhawat Hossain from the Bangladesh Merchant Marine Officers Association said that all crew members are safe and healthy.

On Thursday, some sailors managed to call their families, and the ship's owner is still in touch with them.

Bangladesh refused help from the EU and India. They're walking a tightrope between not wanting to make the situation worse by using military force and hoping negotiations will work out. But negotiations can take a long time, and it's hard to predict what will happen next. Everyone involved is trying hard to bring the ship and its crew back home safely.

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